Today’s Solutions: January 15, 2025

I read an American proverb the other day that got me thinking. “A harvest of peace is produced from a seed of contentment.”

I think this is true. Sow contentment seeds and you definitely stand a chance of reaping peace. But then I got to thinking a little more deeply about this adage.

When a farmer sows a carrot seed, that farmer expects it to yield a carrot, right? Right.

What’s in the core of the seed of contentment then? Is it  the same for everyone? Or different? If it’s different, how does it differ?

What I think is that very few of us ever even think about contentment because, for the most part, it’s so far from our minds that it never even dawns on us to be content! We’re so used to striving making us feel alive that contentment seems to have a pall over it—it feels like settling. (How awful!)

So then I thought, well, then if I want to be content, and I believe that contentment comes from liking the content of my life, then what do I want to have in the core of the seeds I am sowing?

For me, there’s only one answer.


The core of my contentment seeds has to be peace, inner peace, no question, otherwise how could I even entertain contentment.

I challenge you in these next two weeks to think long and hard about what would be in the core of your seeds of contentment were you to have a chance to sow them?

It’s a worthy pursuit because contentment is really our birthright.

By Susan Corso | For spiritual nourishment, please visit www.susancorsocom

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