Today’s Solutions: March 25, 2025

Below is the the last winner of our Optimist of The Month contest. Know some one we should feature for the next issue? Send Optimist of The Month nominations to editor[at]theoptimist[dot]com.

Chiel van der Linden
HappyWe app creator Chiel van der Linden smiles for the camera in Meerlo, The Netherlands.

I know someone who deserves the honorary title “inspiring optimist” more than anyone. In our society, I think we try to pursue three main ideals: freedom, wealth and happiness. Happiness is a relatively young ideal, and for many people the least self-evident. For one person, happiness—and, more important, sharing happiness—became a way of life after a career of coaching, managing and leading. His name is Chiel van der Linden.

The instrument Chiel designed to share and spread happiness is an application for smartphones named HappyWe. The app, which you can download for free, lets you share happy moments with friends, colleagues and family in a simple and effective way. The philosophy behind the app is that happiness multiplies when it is shared. It is not a chat program, but it allows you to respond to your friends’ happy moments. The moments can be visually supported with a photo. 

The app is spreading around the world, and more and more people are sharing happiness. Does Chiel get rich from this? Only spiritually. When you are in Chiel’s presence, you notice that he’s happy you’re there. It makes him sincerely happy. | Rien Schalkwijk, ’s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands  | For Android or iPhone

Photo by Fenna Hummel, from Voorburg, The Netherlands, who also nominated van der Linden

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