Those who are diagnosed with cancer face a hard decision: Treatment or not? People respond to treatment differently. Doctors have backlogs of data that show how different patients responded to different treatments, but they are unanalyzed, and analyzing them would take years. Enter Reverse The Odds, a mobile game that shows players slides from a cancer patient and asks the player something like “was there blue on the slide?” The slides are pictures of proteins—biomarkers that are key to showing how a patient responded to certain treatments. If lets say the biomarker is blue, and the patient responded well to treatment, then researchers might be able to draw the conclusion that patients with similar biomarkers should opt for treatment. The task is easy but requires a human’s eye and intellect, a computer cannot analyze the raw data. Reverse The Odds is rudimentary, but that’s the point—to breakdown these massive data sets into pieces that anyone can understand, and help analyze. Hopefully making one of life’s hardest decisions easier.