Failure sucks, but it’s a part of life. Any time we work towards our goals, we are bound to fail at one point or another. It’s not, however, the failures themselves that will stop you from getting to where you want to be. Rather, it’s the way you respond that matters most. If you feel your resiliency could use a boost, take note of these 7 keys to building up your ability to bounce back. First, to be resilient we must develop the ability to self-soothe when things get tough. By relying less on others to get back on your feet in times of trouble, you will add to your sense of self-worth. The second key: be driven. Have faith in what you’re doing and challenge yourself to continue improving. Key number three is to be discerning of the company we keep and whom we choose to have relationships with. Negative relationships will sap your energy. Mutually beneficial relationships will do the opposite, putting you in a better state of mind. The fourth key is to be tasteful: if you are mindful of how you speak to people, you will be understood better. Number five: nurture yourself. Exercise and a good diet can go a long way in boosting your resiliency. The sixth key is to be gritty. Recognize that stress is a part of life, gather your focus, and move past it. And finally, learn to see the good in others. You will only help your resilience if you take note of the value and intelligence other people bring to life rather than be jealous.