Today’s Solutions: March 10, 2025

In our complex, interconnected world, solutions to our biggest problems can come from the most unexpected places—such as a company that makes fish food for fish farms. The feed used for fish farms is made up of the ground-up bodies of tiny fish such as anchovies, and it’s the biggest cost of fish farming, a $232 billion global industry. The cost of fish feed is only getting more expensive as the output of the world’s overexploited oceans continues to decline. That’s where NovoNutrients comes in. NovoNutrients is a Silicon Valley-based company that has created a nutritionally complete substitute for fishmeal called Novomeal that is made from the proteins of bacteria and other single-celled organisms. This is important, because whereas fish feed made from anchovies is in limited supply, bacteria is effectively unlimited, as long as you have the nutrients to feed them. That part–the nutrients–is why this particular fish food could play such a meaningful role in determining the fate of the planet. What the bacteria that makeup Novomeal eat is CO2, lots and lots of CO2. They are saving anchovies and other fish in the ocean from being killed while sucking carbon out of the atmosphere. Basically, what NovoNutrients is doing is constructing nothing less than the infrastructure for an entirely new economy, one premised on producing food, energy, and material goods by sequestering harmful chemicals rather than by emitting them. And the most exciting thing is NovoNutrients isn’t alone—more and more companies are starting to operate under this line of environmental thinking. For the full inside scoop on NovoNutrients and the economy, it’s trying to create, have a look here.

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