With the growing international focus on school strikes inspired by teen activist Greta Thunberg, the Extinction Rebellion protests in London, and David Attenborough’s latest documentary on climate change, enthusiasm for tougher measures on curbing global warming is on the rise in Britain.
A recent poll has found that a majority of voters would support radical action to slash greenhouse gases to nearly zero by 2050 at a cost of tens of billions of pounds. The public has thrown its weight overwhelmingly behind calls by the government’s independent climate change advisers to make a legally binding commitment to achieving net zero carbon emissions by the middle of the century. The exclusive survey found 59 percent of voters would support such action, with only 8 percent opposing it and 34 percent who had no view.
The findings ramp up pressure on the government to accept recommendations from the Committee on Climate Change, its independent advisers, who said the UK needed to do more to become a global leader in the climate fight.