The convenience of online shopping is unparalleled, but unfortunately, it comes at a major cost to the environment as nearly everything gets shipped in plastic packaging. That’s what inspired a French-Slovak couple living in Luxembourg to create a new online marketplace called Zwoice that will make it possible for people to shop online sustainably. Basically, the couple has created a portal that any producer or manufacturer can join, as long as they meet three basic criteria. First, they must sell a product made from natural and organic materials. Second, it must be manufactured in a sustainable way. Third, they must be willing to wrap, pack, seal, and ship it in a plastic-free way. Vendors can join for free, customize their shop, and ship directly to the customer. After a sale, Zwoice takes an industry-competitive commission in order to support operating costs. What sets Zwoice apart from other retailers is its refreshing emphasis on slow transportation. It urges buyers to remember that “good things take time,” and to fight the “I need it right now” mentality. Express delivery is particularly frowned upon, as its environmental impact is 28 times higher than the standard delivery. Zwoice just launched last month and is Europe’s first plastic- and pollution-free online marketplace.