How to keep your home cool without using air conditioning | The Optimist Daily
Today’s Solutions: July 03, 2024

We all want a cool home when the hot summer months arrive, but using the air-conditioning wastes a lot of energy. Not to mention it can cost a fortune to keep the air-conditioning on. To save yourself some money and the planet, here are a few ways to keep your home chill without flipping on the AC.

First, open the windows. Creating a cross-breeze is one of the most effective ways to cool a home. The key to effective breeze cooling is figuring out which direction the wind blows. In some areas, it’s fairly consistent, commonly coming from the same direction during the same times each day (most often in the afternoon). Open up windows during that “window” of a breeze to encourage the flow through your home.

Using blinds is another way to keep your home cool. When your windows are closed, blinds can help stop heat from entering the home through your windows.

Another effective strategy to keep the sun from injecting blistering heat into a room is to keep it dark. Completely close off rooms when they are not being used. If you don’t mind being left in the dark, install blackout curtains, which effectively block the heat from entering the room through the window. Both ceiling fans and box fans are useful for cooling space without cranking up the energy bill. To create even cooler air, place a container of ice directly in front of the fan. The air from the fan will bounce off the ice and direct the cool air across the room.

If you’re keen to learn more ways to chill your house without using air-conditioning, have a look right here.

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