America has long been called the Land of Opportunity, and with such an honorable name, it shouldn’t be a surprise that families from less developed countries migrate to the US in search of better opportunities. But unfortunately in the US, the climate surrounding immigrants is hostile, and the current presidential administration is not making it any easier with its abhorrent policies.
Still, even though Congress has been slow to help immigrants in America, there are so many things we can do to help make their lives better. For instance, you can host an asylum-seek or refugee in your home, which can be done through a group like Room for Refugees.
Helping pay immigrants’ bail is another way you can actually make a difference. By doing this, you can immigrants who have been separated from their children reunite with their beloved ones. There are many things that those of us who are lucky enough to be residents in the US can do to help immigrants who want a new shot at life. You can find 18 of those ways right here.