Today’s Solutions: March 13, 2025

Of all the infections out there, there are only a few as irritating as a urinary tract infection (UTI). These infections are painful, disruptive, and all too common. In fact, more than half of adult women have had a UTI, and many have several recurrences every year. And although female bodies are more susceptible because the urethra is shorter than in male bodies, everyone can be susceptible to UTIs.

You don’t want to mess with a UTI, so here are six foods that will help you ward off bacteria and protect your insides from this uncomfortable condition.

Cranberry juice

Though research is mixed, many studies show cranberry juice can decrease the recurrence of UTIs. A recent meta-analysis of seven clinical trials in healthy women found cranberry reduced the risk of developing a UTI by 26%. 


With broccoli, you get a huge boost of vitamin C, which has been shown to boost immune function overall and help the body’s resistance to infection.


Cinnamon is a spice that is rich in compounds that reduce inflammation and hamper the growth of bacteria and other pathogens. Some studies even show that cinnamon can help prevent the colonization of E. coli, the bacteria that are responsible for most UTIs.


Like broccoli, papaya is loaded with vitamin C to support immune function and increase the acidity of urine, hampering bacterial growth. 


This fermented milk drink is rich in probiotics that may help prevent UTIs and improve the immune system’s ability to fight infection.


Not only is garlic delicious, but it’s also high in allicin and other compounds with antibacterial properties. Because allicin is easily damaged by heat, raw garlic is more effective than when it’s heated. 

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