Navigating environmentally friendly beauty products can be a challenge. Are glass containers better than plastic if they are heavier and more energy-intensive to transport? Is organic and GMO-free worth it if the ingredients can only be grown thousands of miles away? Picking beauty products depends on your personal preference, budget, and hygiene needs, but we can all be doing more to help the environment, and beauty products are an easy place to make small changes.
This week we have a list of 40 sustainable beauty brands for you, sourced from far and wide. From Good Company bamboo toothbrushes to L’Occitane’s recycled lotion bags, there is an indulgent something for everyone. You may even discover new information about the brands you love or get inspired to try one you have never seen before.
So next time you want to treat yourself to some new self-care products, think about your beauty footprint and consider investing in a brand that helps your skin – and the planet.