Today’s Solutions: December 21, 2024

Here at the Optimist Daily, our mission is to be a beacon of light in a world that seems to dwell too much on the doom and gloom. We don’t bring you stories about solutions and positive development because of some naive conception of how our world is. Rather, we bring you these stories because we choose to see the beautiful things and wish to share them with you online. We want to generate more positivity online—something that you yourself can do. With that in mind, here are 5 ways to make the online sphere a more optimistic space.

Make the commitment to yourself: Decide to make a promise to yourself that you will not engage in anything negative online. You alone can make an impact with your words. With one less person not being kind online with their words, positive change can begin.

Highlight and spread positive content online: Whether it’s a story from us or a story a friend told you, share it online to generate more positivity. The more people that are aware of the positive things happening around us, the more likely they will share it too, which in turn can create even more positive thinking online.

Talk about what you see: By talking to others in your networks about what you are coming across online, you will cause people to become more aware of the negativity and how things need to change. Maybe they are in a position to change it or maybe they have a creative way of changing it. You never know. 

Encourage young people and your peers to not take the time to read or promote negative content: This in itself can inspire action from others to help eradicate negativity online. From this, companies may stop writing negative content and others may stop spreading it if they see that no one is reading it. Every action has a consequence!

Be kind to whoever you interact with online: Remember, the things you say online can remain there forever and they can also remain in someone’s mind forever. So be very careful about your words and the impact you are generating online. You never know what someone may be going through.

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