Today’s Solutions: March 13, 2025

Just last week, we wrote a story about how to de-plug from work when you get home. Today, we bring you a piece about finding ways to reclaim the time you have at work in order to feel productive while maintaining your mental health. 

Deromanticize burnouts: We can all agree that working hard is important. It ensures that you perform well and grow as an individual, but it is very important to set out a limit on what you can do. If you burn out, your quality of work will decrease as well. 

Stop answering work email or calls at night: If you check your inbox or calls late at night you could be tempted to continue working late after you left work. To remedy this, turn off all work-related notifications once you leave the office. 

Start saying no: There are many times during the day where your colleague could propose a new project or organize a meeting. If you are filled with tasks, it might be better to say no and explain that you are way too busy at the moment. If you are filled with tasks you will never perform at your maximum.

Know your worth: It is important to realize that your work and your time are very valuable. By saying ‘no’ you acknowledge that your time and health are more important. By taking care of yourself you ensure increasing your general well-being. 

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