Today’s Solutions: October 17, 2024

Have you been considering getting a pet lately? Now could be the perfect time. Practicing social distancing means you have to stay home, but you don’t have to do it alone. Shelters are encouraging people to foster and adopt pets while they have extra time at home.

Shelters are looking for extra foster families for local pets while shelters and their employees close non-essential services. If you won’t have time to care for a pet once you return to your normal schedule, fostering can be a great option if you’re looking for some short term companionship.

Pets have been shown to improve mood and make you happier and healthier. And what better time to add a bit of furry joy to your life? The Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, and the American Veterinary Medical Association have all stated that pets are not at risk of spreading COVID-19, so there is no harm in bringing in a pet who needs a home.

If you don’t have room in your home for a pet, still consider donating to local shelters who are facing increased occupancy and fewer adoptions in light of the recent COVID-19 outbreak. If you do have a pet at home, make sure you have enough food and medication on hand to keep your pet well fed and cared for while you practice social distancing.

Pets can be a source of comfort, entertainment, and companionship. They can make day to day activities more interesting and less lonely. If you have been thinking about adopting a pet, now is a great time as many need homes and you have plenty of time on your hands to train one. If a long term pet isn’t for you, fostering is a great solution to offer a helping hand to animals in need with lower commitment.

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