Today’s Solutions: March 18, 2025

We use our phones for everything from making grocery lists to watching Netflix and counting our daily steps. These devices play a significant role in our day to day lives, but what role do they play in the spread of COVID-19? While it is not clear how long exactly the virus can live on objects like screens and keyboards, it can survive on our phones, so it’s important to sanitize your phone. Here is how and when to do so.

The average person touches their cell phone 2,617 times daily, so cleaning your phone should be a part of your every day routine. Be sure to clean your phone if you have been using it in public spaces, like the grocery store, or let someone else borrow it. Be aware of when you put your phone down on highly trafficked surfaces or if you have been around anyone who is coughing or sneezing. To be safe, it is best to sanitize your phone every time you come home from an outing like a walk or trip to get necessities. Once a day should do the trick if you are not in a high exposure environment. 

So how do you safely clean your phone? Most phone producers have published cleaning and care guidelines of their own, but here is a general toolbox for cell cleansing.

  • Use only a soft, lint-free cloth.
  • Avoid excessive wiping.
  • Unplug all power sources, devices, and cables.
  • Keep liquids away from your device.
  • Don’t allow moisture to get into any openings.
  • Avoid aerosol sprays, bleaches, and abrasives.
  • Avoid spraying cleaners directly onto your device.

Apple recommends using 70 percent isopropyl alcohol wipes or Clorox Disinfecting Wipes to clean your device, but avoid using them on leather or fabric. If you have a delicate phone case or accessory, it is probably best to leave it at home for the time being if it is not easy to clean. Keeping your phone in a sealed case is another great way to easily disinfect it without worrying so much about damaging your device.

Our phones are some of our most used items, so be sure to clean them well. You might as well do your computer keyboard and landline while you’re at it!

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