Today’s Solutions: March 14, 2025

A work culture of competition and bonuses along with side jobs in the gig economy has the modern employee working more than ever. Although some companies are adopting four day work weeks to promote quality over quantity in the office, most employees experience burnout at some point in their careers. This is why author Celeste Headlee advocates for picking up a hobby with no productive purpose to boost your mental and physical health. 

Our contemporary culture emphasizes the false idea that the more you work, the better person you are. In reality, some of the most “successful” people in history worked only a few hours a day, and the quality, rather than the volume, of your work, is what defines success. To combat this non-stop work attitude, Headlee advocates for picking up a hobby with no traditionally productive purpose. 

This can be gardening, baking, reading, or hiking. Anything you want. Taking the time to simply relax and enjoy yourself for the sake of your own wellbeing will help foster more creativity and fulfillment in your life and career. Taking time to rest and explore something that brings you joy will make you a more effective team member during the time you do spend in the office. 

So what are you waiting for? This week, get your hands dirty. Bake bread, knit a hat, or take a yoga class. Take time to dive deeper into a hobby you have been putting off for fear it will take away from your productive time!

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