Everyone has a different relationship with sleep and different methods of inducing it. Since sleep is important to both our physical and mental health, we love to share tips from experts to help you catch the most zzzs. With that in mind, today we share with you a fantastic one-two punch that could really help you fall asleep, or at the very least, will help you feel calm.
Start with yoga Nidra: If you haven’t heard of Yoga Nidra, it’s an ancient practice of meditation that is thought to have a number of benefits for your body. It’s often referred to as “yogic sleep,” or a state of being between sleep and consciousness, and is believed to help your body rest, restore, de-stress, increase awareness, and tune in to your deep internal thoughts. While it’s first and foremost a spiritual practice, it may help you feel more rested and restored (you may even fall asleep in the process). In fact, one hour of yoga Nidra is said to be as restful as a few hours of sleep.
End with magnesium: In conjunction with a restorative practice like yoga Nidra, magnesium supplements are another natural option that might help your body de-stress and sleep better. While there are many different types of magnesium supplements, magnesium glycinate is generally a favorite among integrative practitioners as it’s gentler on the stomach.