Today’s Solutions: March 14, 2025

From making smoothies to washing dishes, kitchen appliances make everyday cooking tasks quicker and easier, but while we’re all at home putting a bit more pressure on our kitchens, it’s important to remember to properly clean our appliances to ensure they are hygienic and running smoothly. Here’s how to clean your most common kitchen appliances. 

Coffee maker

You can clean this daily essential using either descaling powder or a vinegar solution. Using descaling powder, dissolve it into a liter of lukewarm water, pour it into the water reservoir, and run a pot of coffee without grounds. For vinegar, fill your coffee maker’s water reservoir with one part water to one part vinegar and also run without grounds. 

Instant Pot 

To clean the pot, fill it with two cups of vinegar and run it on the “steam” function. Also remember to clean the inside ring by removing it, soaking it in vinegar, and then washing it with soap and water. Many instant pots can also be run through the dishwasher. 


Speaking of dishwashers, use a rag or towel to wipe the edges of the door and rubber seal with white vinegar or your favorite all-purpose cleaner. Next, check for any leftover pieces of food or blockages by removing the bottom rack, clean the filter if your machine has one, and finish off the job by pouring a cup of vinegar into the bottom of the dishwasher and running it on a hot sanitizing cycle. Dishwashers should be cleaned every one to three months depending on the frequency of use. 


Mixing equal parts vinegar and water and running the mixture in your blender will help dissolve sticky bits of fruit or juice stuck onto your appliance. 


If there is burnt food residue contaminating your oven, spread an oven cleaner over the entire interior and let it sit for 10 to 12 hours before cleaning it out.

Air fryer

These newly-popular appliances can be difficult to clean due to all the crevices and corners, but most are dishwasher safe (check the manual!). If not, scrubbing the basket with apple cider vinegar works well too.


The dreaded clean job in any office kitchen, it’s easy to neglect this commonly used appliance. A simple sponge with hot, soapy water will work to clean out the interior and the plate can be removed and scrubbed as well. Let it dry completely before reassembling and leave the microwave door open occasionally to keep it aired out and fresh. 

If you’re cooking more or trying new and adventurous recipes while quarantined, your home appliances are probably getting a bit crusty. Use this simple guide to get them back to fresh and new in no time! Got the cleaning bug? Check out our guide on how to properly clean your washing machine.

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