Today’s Solutions: September 07, 2024

Parachuting from an airplane in itself is a momentous feat, but doing the first jump from a solar-powered plane? That’s legendary. A solar-powered plane flew to a height of 1,520 meters (nearly 5,000 ft) over western Switzerland before parachutist Raphael Domjan made his jump this week. 

During his jump, Domjan reached a top speed of 150 kilometers per hour and the two-seat electric SolarStratos plane voyage was a success. 

Although this was just one jump, the company hopes to make electric skydiving planes an industry norm. “This is something that is changing the future for this sport for skydivers,” said Domjan. 

Introducing renewable energy solutions into all sectors, including leisure and recreation, sends a message about the urgent need to integrate emissions-free technology into all facets of life.

In 2022, the SolarStratos team plans to carry out a high-altitude flight powered exclusively by solar energy, seeking to reach the stratosphere with an altitude of 20,000 meters.

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