Today’s Solutions: November 17, 2024

Our understanding of cancer and the factors that contribute to it are constantly evolving, but there are some lifestyle choices that have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer by 50 percent. Here are ten habits you can consider and adopt to reduce your risk of cancer.

  1. Maintaining a healthy weight. Obesity is associated with 13 different types of cancer, so taking steps to maintain a healthy weight is important for reducing cancer risk. 
  2. Reducing nicotine and tobacco intake. Tobacco is responsible for 30 percent of all cancer deaths worldwide, so limiting tobacco and nicotine intake highly influences cancer risks.
  3. Reducing alcohol consumption. As a known carcinogen, alcohol increases the risk of cancers such as esophageal, liver, breast, and colorectal. 
  4. Exercising daily. Recommended exercise for maintaining physical health is at least 30 minutes a day for adults and at least 60 minutes a day for children. 
  5. Reducing sedentary behavior. An overly sedentary lifestyle can lead to increased cancer risk, so incorporate short walks or yoga into your day if you work at a desk.
  6. Eating well. We all indulge every once and a while, but eating primarily whole, nutritious foods is key for every aspect of our health.
  7. Using non-toxic products. Many beauty and home products have toxic compounds such as endocrine (hormone) disruptors. Take a deeper look into the products you interact with on a daily basis and avoid known cancerous compounds like containers with BPA, styrofoam, and aluminum antiperspirants. 
  8. Fostering a healthy support network. Connection, love, and support from others improve more than just your mental health. It also fosters physical health and boosts your immune system to ward off disease.
  9. Managing stress. Chronic stress damages our immune systems and leads to premature aging. If you’re experiencing regular stress, try managing it with yoga, meditation, or lifestyle changes.
  10. Getting enough sleep. Sleep is our time to rest and recover, so make sure to get seven to eight hours each night to allow your body to heal itself.

All these factors are important for not only reducing cancer risk but also maintaining overall mental and physical health. Indulgences are okay in moderation, but ensuring your overall lifestyle follows these guidelines can help reduce your risk of cancer. 

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