Maine has some of the healthiest bee colonies in the US. Believe it or not, bee populations in the state have actually increased 72 percent since 2018. While bees are still a threatened species, this research by the United States Department of Agriculture is good news for the efficacy of bee-saving efforts in the state.
Maine isn’t the only state experiencing a boost in pollinator populations. Oklahoma saw an increase of nearly 70 percent, and Nebraska 60 percent. Unfortunately, states like California continue to experience a devastating loss in bee populations. The state lost 160,600 colonies in just two years.
Bee populations are experiencing a dramatic decline around the world due to pesticide use, parasites, habitat loss, and climate change. However, initiatives like planting bee corridors among agricultural fields and reducing pesticide use do make a difference in saving pollinators. Increased bee populations in several states demonstrate that targeted conservation efforts can help save the bees!