Today’s Solutions: March 27, 2025

Did you excel in high school academics? You may have your kindergarten classroom to thank. A new study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that kindergarten readiness can influence success all the way through high school. 

In the study, researchers analyzed nearly 1,000 Canadian schoolchildren to compare their educational environment and success at age five and age 17. They looked at not only grades, but also school connection, anxiety sensitivity, substance use, physical activity, and physical health. 

The researchers found that kindergarten math skills contributed to greater academic success and lower dropout rates in high school. They also noticed that classroom engagement was a big predictor of future wellbeing. It correlated with better grades, lower risk of substance abuse, better connection with peers, and lower dropout risk. Classroom engagement even correlated with a 65 percent reduction in the odds of obesity at age 17 as it predicted higher rates of participation in physical activity. 

“Early childhood readiness forecasts a protective edge by emerging adulthood,” wrote the researchers. “With our findings, we further highlight the usefulness of conceptualizing kindergarten readiness as a public health issue,”

Preschool and early education experiences impact us at a period of tremendous growth and development. This strengthened correlation between education, wellness, and kindergarten readiness could help inform better education policymaking. Actions like creating public preschools and prioritizing engagement in early education could help communities foster more successful young adults down the road. 

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