Research has shown that gratitude promotes new relationships, improves mental and physical health, and boosts self-esteem. Although many of us think about what we are grateful for around the holidays, all too often we let this practice slip during the rest of the year. This is why The Optimist Daily is collaborating with Lost Art of Love Letters and Santa Barbara Response Network to launch Thankful Thursdays.
Each Thursday, we will share a gratitude prompt from Lost Art of Love Letters to help you dive deeper into who and what you are grateful for. Lost Art of Love Letters, started by artist Sondra Weiss, encourages everyone to practice creative letter writing on a wide variety of topics from mental wellness, social justice, and environmental protection to gratitude and self-love. Love letters from her project have made their way to museums, galleries, aquariums, and even the Climate Action Summit at the United Nations where environmental letters written by global youth were read to world leaders.
Our flagship prompt focuses on those around us that bring us joy. Who in your life is a pure source of light and love? Who makes you laugh the loudest even when times are tough? Whoever first comes to mind, we encourage you to put pen to paper and write them a letter expressing your gratitude for their presence.
Thankful Thursdays Prompt #1: Write a letter of gratitude to a friend who makes you laugh and feel at peace.
Want to learn more about Thankful Thursdays and Lost Art of Love Letters? Check this video from Sondra Weiss and share pictures of your love letters with us on social media @optimistdaily and @lostartofloveletters with #ignitecaring.