Today’s Solutions: December 11, 2024

Metabolic health is crucial for building immunity and staving off chronic diseases, but unfortunately, 88 percent of Americans are what is called metabolically unhealthy. You can be fit and lean, and still, be metabolically unhealthy. That’s because metabolic dysfunction has to do with abnormal regulation of blood sugar, lipids, or inflammation.

At a time where immunity is more important than ever, here are 10 evidence-based lifestyle changes you should make to boost your metabolic health.

Prioritize strength over weight loss: Whether it is improving muscle strength or mental strength, focusing on changes that will help you become stronger, in general, will help you improve metabolic health.

Be physically active—often: It’s vital we get our heart pumping during the week to help regulate our bodily functions. That’s part of the reason why we are recommended to get at least 150 minutes of exercise each week. The type of exercise you choose doesn’t really matter. In fact, it’s a good idea to switch up the forms of exercise you partake in throughout the week.

Stay smart about nutrition: Don’t get hung up on fad diets. Instead, focus on eating a varied diet that emphasizes plants, color, fiber, quality protein, and healthy fats such as omega-3s. The important thing is that you address key nutrient gaps to help you regulate metabolic function.

Stay hydrated: Checking the color of your urine is a good way to gauge if you’re hydrated or not. A light yellow color is said to be the optimal color. If it’s darker, get yourself a cup or two of water.

Prioritize sleep hygiene: Healthy adults need at least seven hours of sleep each night. Rest up!

Be intentional about stress management: Whether it’s meditation or journaling, engage in actives that help you relieve stress.

Watch out for vices: Alcohol and tobacco consumption are bad for metabolic health. Be wise with your intake.

Find the right doctor for you: If you need a little assistance improving metabolic health, find a doctor that understands the importance of metabolic health and can help you in your metabolic health journey.

Lean on tech: Apps such as Noom can give you extra guidance as you turn your healthy thoughts into healthy actions.

Stay connected: Don’t be afraid to embrace lifestyle changes with the support of family and friends. It can help you stay motivated as you fine-tune your metabolic health.

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