Earlier last year, we shared the story of Captain Tom Moore, a 99-year-old veteran whose efforts to raise millions for the UK’s National Health Service made headlines around the world. While Moore’s feat to raise over £33 million was incredible by itself, the Captain’s gesture of kindness impressed beyond fundraising.
A recent survey of 2,000 people conducted by Travelodge found a quarter of the total number of participants were inspired by the veteran to be more kind, while the vast majority reported they have generally become kinder during the pandemic.
In fact, the survey found that people were much more friendly to one another in the last year, made more of an effort to stay in touch with loved ones, and made more donations to food to banks and other forms of charities. On top of that, the survey also found that people have been interacting with strangers more and have surprised friends with gifts more often.
The findings also indicated that one-third of people believe random acts of kindness to be contagious, with one in four respondents saying the actions of Captain Moore, who died earlier this month, have inspired them to be nicer and more generous to others.