Today’s Solutions: March 14, 2025

In recent years, e-bikes have become increasingly popular among commuters and cyclists, as well as people who previously dreaded the thought of cycling uphill for long distances. This interest in e-bikes has exploded during the coronavirus, as many have sought out ways to travel while avoiding public transport and traffic jams.

In France, the e-bike boom is soon expected to get another boost, thanks to a new initiative that is offering motorists the chance to exchange their old, fossil fuel-powered cars for a brand-new e-bike.

The move is part of the French government’s attempt to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 by aiming to encourage more people to ditch their cars and opt for more sustainable transport means.

If the initiative is adopted, owners of old gas-guzzling vehicles would have the opportunity to hand over their vehicles for scrap in return for a €2,500 euro ($2,975) grant to buy an electric bicycle, according to Reuters.

The scheme is part of a government commitment to reduce the country’s greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent compared to 1990 levels by the year 2030. If it is approved, France will be the first country in the world to offer people the chance to trade in an aging vehicle for an electric bike, said the French Federation of Bicycle Users.

“For the first time it is recognized that the solution is not to make cars greener, but simply to reduce their number,” said Olivier Schneider of the FUB.

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