Today’s Solutions: December 11, 2024

Adding more greenery to our built environment can go a long way in making our cities more resilient in the face of climate change. That’s why, here at The Optimist Daily, we love seeing urban development projects that seamlessly interweave nature with the built environment.

The Toranomon Urban Redevelopment Project in Tokyo, for example, aims to achieve that by creating a new standard for sustainability in urban planning. In addition to boasting more than 24,000 square meters of green space, the entire neighborhood will be powered by 100 percent renewable energy.

Led by Mori Building Company, the development is slated for completion in 2023 and will seek WELL and LEED certification. If the project achieves these goals, it would become one of the largest areas on the planet to receive both certifications.

Located in central Tokyo, the concept of the project is to build a “Modern Urban Village.” It will mainly consist of residential buildings and a luxury hotel, where people will be living in harmony with nature.

To achieve this, the architects behind the project go against the traditional technique of building the structures first and then filling in the empty space with landscaping. Instead, the buildings will be built in tandem with the existing green space, blending in and complementing the landscape, rather than serving as the primary focal point.

The final project will include a 6,000-square-meter central square filled with trees, flowers, and waterscapes, as well as community vegetable gardens to promote self-sufficiency.

Image source: Mori Building Company

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