Today’s Solutions: February 27, 2025

Rangers working to prevent poaching in Africa often use motorbikes to patrol protected areas. The vehicles, however, run on gas-guzzling engines that require expensive and inaccessible gasoline. On top of that, the loud motors make it virtually impossible to sneak up on poachers.

A new partnership between electric motorbike company CAKE, the Southern African Wildlife College, and renewable energy expert Goal Zero, aims to help Africa’s anti-poaching efforts by offering rangers protecting wildlife habitats solar-powered motorbikes.

The goal is to substitute vehicles currently used by rangers with an alternative that is both energy-efficient and quiet. Called Kalk AP, the motorbike weighs just 176 pounds and boasts over three hours of ride time with speeds of up to 56 miles per hour, as reported by Inhabitat.

“Solar power, new technology, and a new category of vehicles that help save endangered species in Africa. This is a perfect example of purpose meeting sustainability,” said Stefan Ytterborn, founder of CAKE. “We are extremely honored to be able to work with our partners on this initiative and to contribute to developing the means to help curb poaching in the region.”

The initiative will be funded through a “buy-one-give-one” charity campaign — for each Kalk AP bought, CAKE will donate an identical bike to conservation areas throughout Africa where they’re most needed. Additionally, CAKE and Goal Zero will donate profits from the sales directly to the Southern African Wildlife College.

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