Today’s Solutions: March 18, 2025

We all know that the early bird gets the worm, but what are the actual benefits of waking up early? It’s important to listen to your body’s natural circadian rhythms, but establishing a regular sleep schedule with an early wake up time offers many benefits for your health and wellbeing. Here are some of the reasons you may want to progressively move up your wake time.

Personal time

If you feel like you’re losing most of your day to work and family responsibilities, an earlier wake time could be the perfect solution to more “you time.” Even 30 extra minutes gives you time to practice mindfulness, read your morning news, or just savor that first cup of coffee.

Time to exercise 

If you find yourself too tired to exercise after work or school, waking up early could offer the perfect time to get in that workout. Plus, research has shown that exercising in the morning offers benefits for your day such as more alertness and higher energy levels.

Less time in traffic 

Hate getting stuck in the morning commute? Consider waking up earlier and spending that time at a coffee shop or gym near the office instead.

Improved sleep

Research has shown that waking up earlier can lead to a stronger immune system, more energy, and even a stronger metabolism. On the flip side, make sure you’re going to bed plenty early as well as too little sleep will rob you of these benefits.

Healthier skin

Skin cells regenerate during sleep, while increased blood flow and collagen help repair environmental and UV damage.

Better nutrition

Waking up early gives you more time to make a nutritious breakfast which sets you up for a healthier day.

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