Today’s Solutions: December 26, 2024

When imagining a perfect breakfast, many may think of eggs and bacon, or perhaps fluffy pancakes dripping with maple syrup. Salad, on the other hand, rarely makes the cut. That said, there is a solid case for throwing together a salad for breakfast. Here are five reasons you should consider starting your day with a salad.

Start your day on a strong note

We’ve written before about how the way you start your morning impacts the rest of your day. If you want to avoid anxiety and amp up your productivity, it’s important to make your bed, avoid screens, steer clear of scrolling through social media. Instead, it’s better to spend time in nature, meditate, or exercise to set the pace for the rest of the day.

The same goes for the kind of fuel you put in your body. By choosing a healthy, nutrient-packed meal as soon as you get up, you’ll give yourself a sense of accomplishment that you’ll carry with you long after the morning is over.

Up your veggie intake

The classic “American” breakfast often features less nutrient-dense foods such as waffles, bagels, and cereal. Why should lunch and dinner get all the leafy greens and vibrant veggies? Break out of the traditional by incorporating veggies into your first meal of the day, effectively increasing your vegetable intake, which has a multitude of benefits like promoting a healthy gut biome.

Get your “business” moving

Starting your day off with fibrous foods will help get your digestive processes going. Better out than in, right?

Experiment with new recipes

If you’re still not convinced, then you’re probably imagining a wimpy garden salad. However, salads can be more exciting than you think. Yes, a pile of greens is a great starting point, but from there you can get creative by adding heartier ingredients like quinoa, chickpeas, beans, and your favorite nuts and seeds. You can even throw in some fruit like cut strawberries and blueberries to keep it fresh and “breakfast-like.” Plus, adding greens to smoothies and egg scrambles can help you incorporate veggies without leaving your flavor comfort zone.

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