Today’s Solutions: December 26, 2024

Empathy does not mean you understand someone’s experience because you have been there, too. You can never really know what someone is going through and even if you’ve had a similar experience, it’s always going to be a bit different.

Real empathy is the ability to listen fully so you can come to understand why someone is thinking, feeling, and acting in a certain way, from their perspective. You understand, without judgment, what triggered someone’s reaction or what prompted them to decide at the moment—and you seek to understand that person so they feel heard and valued.

If you feel you could use some help developing real empathy, here are five useful steps for improving this vital communication skill.

Don’t assume you understand

Summarize the words you hear and share the emotional shifts you notice. Let them respond with agreement or corrections. 

Stay present

They may say something that triggers a personal memory for you. Use curiosity to return to listening so you don’t get your story blurred with theirs.

Manage your filters

We naturally hear what fits our assumptions and beliefs. We tune out what contradicts our views. Let yourself be surprised by how they define a situation. Look for new details and angles in their story you didn’t expect to hear.

Don’t commiserate

When they talk about things they say are bad and wrong, ask what is behind their judgment. Don’t jump in and agree. As soon as you say their judgment is right, you have tuned out to listening for more.

Don’t jump to advice

Remember the goal is to understand their perspective, not fix their problem. If you jump in early with advice in the conversation, they will shut down or become defensive because they no longer feel heard. If you give solutions later without asking if they want your ideas, you run the risk of them discarding what you offer without consideration. Empathize and reflect first, then you can ask if they would like a few ideas to help find a solution.

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