Today’s Solutions: January 01, 2025

Even when you buy eco-friendly products, they can still come in a plastic container you can’t use again. If you can’t refill your cleaning products or get them in sustainable packaging, no worries. You can make cleaning products all on your own, saving money and helping the environment, while even affording yourself some more effective products. 

All-purpose cleaner

It turns out that cleaning your floors and surfaces requires very few materials. You need ¼ cup of vinegar, ¾ cup of water, a spray bottle, and an essential oil of your preference if you want it. The essential oil is recommended because the vinegar has a bit of a sour smell even diluted with water. You can also use citrus peels to improve the smell. This is an incredibly low-cost and effective way to clean your surfaces and floors. 


Disinfectants especially can run the risk of being caustic or dangerous for pets or children. To deep-clean your bathrooms and kitchen, there’s another solution besides buying heavy-duty disinfectants. It’s simply ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide and ½ cup of water mixed together and put in a spray bottle. That’s right, a diluted form of medical disinfectant works well for surfaces too, and you have it around in case you or your loved ones get a cut. 

Make sure to let this sit for a minute or two on the applied surface to get the disinfecting effect. Also, be sure to wear gloves. 

Baking soda: the unsung hero

Besides baking, there are several different uses for baking soda. You can mix it with water to form a paste and use that to scrub your sink or your bathtub. You can even unclog your sink by sprinkling baking soda into the drain, adding vinegar, letting it sit for 15 minutes, and then turning on the hot water. After this, your drain should be back in order.

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