Today’s Solutions: March 13, 2025
Episode Description

This week’s optimistic news:

Both Karissa and Arielle are basking in the afterglow of the Olympics this week! Karissa begins by sharing five amazing mental health lessons we can all take from Simone Biles’ incredible come-back at these Summer Games. Then, Arielle walks us through a few of the highlights and viral moments that captured the hearts and minds of viewers across the globe.

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Hello and welcome to the Optimist Daily’s Weekly Roundup. I’m Karissa. 


And I’m Arielle, and we’re working hard to put solutions in view and optimism in movement. 


Hello everyone. We’re back again with another episode of the pod to share all the solutions from the Optimist Daily this week. Yeah, Arielle, how are you doing today? 


Doing pretty good. Again, happy to have survived another week, and uh… well, survived is a little bit of a strong term, but you know.  




Got through another week and yeah. I’ve been catching up on the afterglow of the Olympics because I didn’t really have a lot of time to tune in while it was going on. But now I’m just like watching all the highlights and… Honestly, I’ve just been impressed by how amazing humans can be and how far they can push themselves physically. And I say ‘them’ because I’m not really one to push myself as hard (laughs). 


(Laughs). Yeah, totally. I think I’m in the same boat as you because I was kind of sad that the Olympics ended this past weekend on Sunday because I was like, oh, I really didn’t catch as much as I wanted to. So, I’m kind of watching some highlights as well. 




And taking it all in. And, you know, everyone’s kind of doing that post-reflection, and also, over here in the United States and especially California, where I live, we’re excited to have the torch passed over to us for 2028 in LA. 


Oh yeah, it’s going to be in LA! 


Yeah, so, I’m already plotting on how I can go see some of the events that are happening in four years… which, four years will pass by in a blink, I’m sure.  




So, I’m already signing up for the newsletter. 




And keeping… how can I volunteer and stuff. So, I’m really excited for that. It’ll be a good time. The Olympics are just such an optimistic moment. It’s just such a good time for the entire world to come together and, you know, marvel at what humans can do. And that kind of brings us into our solutions today because we have an Olympic-themed round-up I guess! (Laughs) 


Yeah. We just couldn’t help ourselves! (Laughs) 


We couldn’t help ourselves! But yeah, cause we kind of didn’t really talk too much about the Olympics. But I guess as we said, we were a little busy and we did a little bit of coverage on the Optimist Daily. We had some good historic wins and we’ll kind of talk about that more in the solutions. And some good solutions on different things that were happening, like the first childcare/daycare center. 


Mm-hmm. Yeah, that’s right. 


But I think something that really stood out to me, and I think to a lot of people around the world, was Simone Biles’ come-back to the Olympics this year. It brings me to my solution, which is titled: Simone Biles’ mental health victory: 5 practices we can all learn.

You know, Simone Biles is one of the best and most beloved gymnasts of all time, and she for sure demonstrated her unrivaled abilities by departing the 2024 Paris Olympics with three gold medals and one silver.  


Yes! Woo! 


Woohoo for her and woohoo Team USA! This achievement extends beyond the medals for sure because her path has become much more about the mental health than it is just about gymnastics. And it demonstrates to the world that caring for one’s mental state is really as important as honing physical skills.  

As a little background, in case we don’t remember, Biles is 27, and she’s not only dominating on the mat but also winning in life in general by putting her mental health first. After dealing with what they call the ‘twisties’ at the Tokyo Olympics in 2021, Biles made her well-being a priority, which is a decision that clearly paid dividends this year… 




…because she did amazing.  

So, it was so good to see. And on her Instagram post following her Olympic victory, she said, you know, this was more than her wildest dreams. These games just really showcased her ability to strike a balance between mental and physical greatness. It’s really a source of hope and inspiration for everyone dealing with mental health issues.  




And I know back in 2021 when she pulled out, we covered this in the Optimist Daily quite a bit and it was something that stuck out to us all year because it’s… you’re on the world’s biggest stage and pulling out like that is a huge decision, but it was one obviously for the best. And so, I think we can all learn from Simone Biles and her mental health playbook. So, you know, even if we’re not all Olympic champions!  

We have 5 effective behaviors to share today.  


Alright. Let’s get into it. 


So, number one, of course, is: Embrace mindfulness to calm a busy mind. And we just talked about mindfulness last week, but we talk about mindfulness all the time because it’s really such a great solution to come back to. Every solution starts with us at the end of the day. 




In an age of endless distractions, mindfulness is this huge lifesaver, and she has been practicing this wholeheartedly. After winning gold in the individual all-around event, she posted a peaceful photo of herself with her eyes closed, sitting quietly on the sideline, and the caption was simple yet profound, and said mental health matters. And I think that’s so beautiful. 




The response to her mindfulness was quite amazing with both fans and mental health specialists applauding her for emphasizing the value of mindfulness. 

Dr. Joshua Norman, who is a sports psychiatrist at Ohio State University, says mindfulness practices are a great way to ground yourself and reduce anxiety. And of course, this is a technique that can benefit everyone, not just Olympians. 


It’s really amazing that Simone Biles has been like a forerunner in sharing her mental health journey within the world of athletics because, of course, athletics has a lot to do with physical ability, but you have to have such a strong mental game to talk yourself into continuing when your body is like, breaking down. 




Or just feeling like it’s too much. So, I think mindfulness plays such a central role, especially for high-performing athletes, but it’s not really talked about as much. It’s just awesome to see that Simone Biles is willing to make herself vulnerable in front of the entire world basically. 


I think we all applaud her for that. I guess I’ll dive into lesson number two: Therapy can happen anywhere. It’s an era where mental health resources are becoming more accessible. And she demonstrates how therapy can easily be integrated into a hectic existence. I mean, she is so busy training, I’m sure, and today I mean, a lot of us are super busy.  




Before the individual all-around final in Paris, she casually stated in a TikTok video: “I did have therapy this morning, So, I feel a little bit better.” And that’s just so awesome to see, you know. 

Like, epecially when it’s actually during the Olympics. She still had time to squeeze in therapy. And this really candid admission resonated with many, including Hillary Amon, who is a clinical psychologist and expressed her joy at Biles’ openness. She says how this incredible athlete, who so many admire, is comfortable sharing that even she needs therapy before competition. 


A really, really great reminder that therapy, whether virtual or in person, offers invaluable support. And Biles’ example normalizes seeking treatment regardless of where you are, I guess as long as you have Wi-Fi or Internet connection. 




Personally, I’ve only gone to virtual therapy and so, it’s the only experience that I have. 


Yeah, me too. 


And it is really effective. So, yeah, if anyone’s doubting, then just bite the bullet and try it out because you never know if it’s gonna work for you unless you try it. 


Exactly! And the next tip is to set boundaries and stick to them, which, I had to set boundaries with my cat right now (laughs) because she was running around in the recording time, which we definitely cut out, but just a funny little interjection. 




But let me talk about Simone Biles who, you know, showed us how to set these boundaries. In today’s hyperconnected society, setting boundaries is more important than ever. Biles, who has frequently been in the spotlight, has realized the value of safeguarding her personal life. She recently responded to Internet detractors of her husband and NFL star Jonathan Owens with a strong message: “Leave us alone.”  

And again, Hillary Ammon describes Biles’ attitude as a refreshing reminder that you can set your own boundaries.  

Doctor Lily Brown of the University of Pennsylvania concurs, emphasizing that boundaries are crucial for everyone and says we’ve become a society where our boundaries have been lowered. But it’s okay to give yourself permission to just focus on the relationships that matter. So, Biles’ experience serves as a compelling reminder of the need to set good limits for our mental and emotional well-being. 


Mmhm. That’s a really strong message. I think I’ve been learning a lot this year how to set the boundaries that I want to keep, figuring out what works for me. Because I actually deleted my Instagram. And I feel pretty good about it. It’s been a couple months now, so it is something that I do miss sometimes, but in terms of, yeah, just living my own life and focusing on myself and the people around me. I’ve freed up a lot of mental space. 


Exactly. Social media in particular is so, like, hard sometimes to set boundaries on.  




And for me personally, because I do the marketing here at The Optimist Daily I kind of have to stay connected and stay on top of trends. So, I do have to be pretty plugged into socials, but I feel like recently on my personal socials, I’ve definitely been posting, just to the close friends stories, just to keep in touch with those select friends. 




And that’s about it. 


Yeah, it just depends on what works for you. 


But this is of course a great reminder that boundaries anywhere and everywhere are important to instate and stick to.  




Well, I guess we’ll go into point number four, that it’s okay to put yourself first. So, if you need to delete your Instagram, that’s totally okay, cause in this culture that frequently demands constant people-pleasing, Biles has demonstrated the fortitude to prioritize her own needs.  

When she arrived in Paris, she was overwhelmed by the attention at the Olympic Village Cafe, where admirers kept asking for selfies. And rather than deal with the anxiousness she stocked up on food and ate in her room.  

Especially in the public eye, it’s super hard because then, like, you deny a selfie, you’re denying like whole bunch of people then. 


That support you, that really are, like, cheering for you. But yeah, it can be overwhelming. 


Totally. And when you’re on this huge Olympic stage, you definitely need, you know, the space to… 


Get yourself in the zone. And yeah, put yourself first, yeah. 


I think that’s awesome of her, but of course, it’s hard. I’m sure, like on socials and stuff, people have stuff to say. But it can be hard even if we aren’t, like on a big platform, we might have to deny time to like friends and family, to be able to put ourselves first.  

Doctor Norman says that it takes courage to put yourself first, which is so true. And he goes on to say that making these decisions helps encourage a healthy environment around you.  

And doctor Jaime Zuckerman, a clinical psychologist, agreed, highlighting the importance of avoiding the trap of being a people pleaser. Dr. Zuckerman says. If you say yes to everything, you end up with a watered-down version of yourself. 




And Biles’ actions demonstrate the importance of self-care and the bravery to prioritize one’s own mental health, even if it means making unpopular decisions. This kind of brings me into our final lesson to share, and we’ve kind of talked about this already: Use social media with care because social media can be both a blessing and a curse. 

But Biles has learned to navigate it on her own terms. Before leaving for Paris, she told Today that limiting social media and stuff like that is going to be important. She chose to abandon X (previously Twitter). She maintained contact with her followers on Instagram and TikTok.  

Doctor Brown points out the importance of being mindful on social media use, noting that it can have a significant impact on mental health. And Doctor Brown says the research on social media is only in its early days. Ask yourself how much time you want to spend on it and what is healthy for you.  

Simone Biles’ judicious usage of social media serves as a model for others to achieve a balance that benefits rather than harms their mental health. Yeah, we kind of like already discussed that earlier. But, you know, Arielle, you decided that no social media usage of Instagram just in particular is best for you. And I think we can all take that lesson with us and reevaluate. 


Yeah, just figure out what works. And yeah, uh, stick to it (laughs).  




That’s what… That’s the hard part as well. Just, uh, being consistent with yourself. 


Totally. It is. I think the solution is great and these five lessons are something we can all take with us, and it really shows how Simone Biles’ path is about more than simply recovering her position as the world’s best gymnast. But, you know, as a huge, huge mental health advocate on this global platform, and also, just for her regaining her peace of mind. I really applaud her candor regarding her mental health issues and successes. And of course, this serves as a model for others going through similar experiences. Which, at some point or another, all of us will face these high-stress pressures, so. 


Mmhm. I thought you were gonna say, like, at some point, we’re all going to be gymnasts or (laughs). 


(Laughs). Well, we could dream. 


Yeah. No, it’s really…  It’s wonderful to see Simone Biles really use her platform. I think that that’s an important responsibility that she’s taken on and she’s already doing so much, but it’s great to see that she’s speaking out on behalf of herself, but also, other people who are struggling with mental health issues, which is so many… So many people right now considering the backdrop of what’s going on in the world and everything. I’m sure that stress is coming at us from all different angles.  

As I said earlier, I didn’t really pay too much attention to the Olympics just because life was moving… 




…And I was busy and everything. Like, we don’t have a TV set up in our living room, so, you know it just wasn’t on. But I do love watching the gymnastics and figure skating and all the sports with fun outfits (laughs). 


Yeah, exactly. I really was loving the synchronized… or artistic swimming, I think is what it’s called now. They changed the name.


Oh yeah. It’s called artistic swimming. Yeah. 


But that one was my favorite to watch. I was catching up on it shortly before this (laughs). 


Yeah. It’s incredible. But I guess that kind of leads me to my solution, which also, has to do with the Olympics but not the mental part. It’s mostly… (laughs) mostly just the… the physical part (laughs). The title of my solution is Paris 2024 Olympics: 8 highlights and viral moments that captivated the world. 


Nice, I’m excited to dive in. 


Well, I guess it’s not really a solution, but it is optimistic and it does, you know, capture the feeling of unity that comes with the Olympics, which is so important right now. 




So, yeah, I just thought it would be nice to dive into some of the most unforgettable moments of the Olympics and yeah. 

This year’s games were something else completely. Full of triumphs, surprises. You know, a few unexpected stars, and record-breaking performances, heartwarming comebacks like we just talked about, and Snoop Dogg, of course. 




Yeah, Snoop Dogg was great in the Olympics. 


Yeah. I’ll get to Snoop Dogg in a minute, but things first. Let’s talk about Team USA and their incredible performance this year. They walked away with a whopping 104 medals. 




And that’s just unbelievable to me.  

On July 31st, they became the first country to ever surpass 3000 Olympic medals in both the Summer and Winter Games. And that’s just mind-blowing. 


Yes. So amazing. And it really shows how dominant the US is in the Olympics. But I mean, it wasn’t just about the quantity of medals, right? There were some pretty crazy stories behind those medals too. 


Yes, absolutely. Especially in gymnastics, which you know, we just talked about. Simone Biles and everything she went through, she pulled out in Tokyo, but then she came back with a vengeance, leading the US women’s gymnastics team to gold and snagging individual golds in the all-around and vault. She even picked up a silver on the floor exercise, which was great. 


Oh, I’m so happy for her because she is the GOAT.  






Greatest of all time. And I mean yeah, it’s just so amazing, as we just talked about, to come back from all that and dominate like she does. 


Yeah. Exactly. And it wasn’t just Simone. I’m sorry (laughs), I’m saying Simone like she’s my friend (laughs). Uh, it wasn’t just Simone Biles. Suni Lee also made a huge comeback after battling kidney disease, and she won bronze in the all-around and uneven bars. Did you see that video of the lip reader who was like… watching Suni Lee’s pep talk to herself before she…  


Oh, I didn’t see that. 


Yeah, um, it’s just so cute. She was like: yeah, you got this. Just one thing at a time. 




It was just nice to watch. Anyway. Then you had Jade Carey with the bronze and vault. And yeah, just… The women’s team just crushed it. 


Yeah. And the men’s gymnastics team had a big moment too, right? 


Yes, the US men’s gymnastics team finally broke a 16-year medal drought by winning bronze in the team event.  

Paul Juda, Frederick Richard, Asher Hong, Stephen Nedoroscik, and Brody Malone were the stars there. Speaking of stars Nedoroscik, better known as the pommel horse guy… 




He really won people over. And he took home a bronze on his signature event and fans were just all about it. 


I did see a lot of people talking about him. So, yeah, that’s great for the US men’s team. Gymnastics had its fair share of drama and glory. But what about swimming? Because I heard Katie Ledecky was on fire, amongst other people. 


Yes, she really was. She continued to build her legacy as the most decorated female Olympian in American history. What a feat. And she walked away with 14 Olympic gold medals after Paris, with two more golds in the 800m and 1500m freestyles, a silver in the 4x200m relay, and a bronze in the 400m freestyle. She even set a new Olympic record in the 1500m. And to top it off, she was chosen to carry the flag at the closing ceremony. So, Ledecky was a busy girl. 


Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I love all the swimming things. I was kind of into, you know, I didn’t watch too much, but my boyfriend was glued to the screen because he used to be a swimmer through college.  


Oh wow. 


So, he was glued. And we were, like, driving places. And he was like, on his phone. He’s, like, hold on. Yeah. 




He was definitely happy with all these results, and it was good to hear about all of this, too. And I heard there was a big comeback story in the pool as well. 


Yes. So, Leon Marchant, a young French swimmer who trains with Michael Phelps’ former coach, made a huge splash. Sorry for the pun… 




…By winning four gold medals, including a record in the 200m individual medley. And this was after a disappointing debut in Tokyo. So, his performance in Paris was definitely like a sweet revenge for him. And you know what? He didn’t say anything, I don’t think, about mental health, but he probably really focused on his mental health to be able to come back in such an impressive way. 




I don’t want to put words in his mouth, but you know, I’m just… I’m just making some assumptions here.  




Now, moving on to track and field, Noah Lyles was a major highlight. Despite catching COVID-19 during the games, he still managed to win gold in the men’s 100m. And even though he had to pull out of the men’s 4x100m relay because of his symptoms, winning that 100m gold was a huge win for him and you know, it was only the right decision to make to pull out. 


Yeah, also, in track and field, I heard about Sha’Carri Richardson because I remember all the buzz about her before the games. So, how did she do? 


Yeah, she also, made an epic comeback. After missing out on Tokyo, she earned a silver in the 100m and then struck gold in the women’s 4x00m relay.  And Gabby Thomas also shined brightly with a gold in the women’s 200m, clocking in at an incredible 21.83 seconds. 


Ooh, that’s lightning fast. I can’t even imagine. It’s so great to see all these athletes bouncing back stronger than ever.  


Definitely! And let’s not forget about the refugee Olympic team. This year they really, really made history. Boxer, Cindy Ngamba won the team’s first-ever medalsnaps for thema bronze, and it was a powerful moment that symbolized hope and resilience for millions of displaced people around the world. 


That’s so incredible, too. I really love the refugee Olympic team story, and it’s always so inspiring. And this win just really adds another layer to it. 


Absolutely. And speaking of historic moments, Team USA’s fencing squad had one as well. Lee Kiefer, Lauren Scruggs, Jackie Dubrovich, and Maia Weintraub made history by winning the country’s first-ever gold medal in team foil. And also, Kiefer and Scruggs faced off in the first all-American final in women’s foil, with Kiefer taking gold and Scruggs Silver.  


This Olympics really had a little bit of everything for everyone, honestly.  


Mmhm! And now for the moment we’ve all been waiting for… Snoop Dogg! (Laughs) 


Ohh yeah! (Laughs) 


So, Snoop somehow became one of the most talked about figures at the Paris Olympics. As a special correspondent for NBC he brought his unique flair to the Games. Whether he was cheering for Team USA, goofing off with Michael Phelps, or facing his fear of horses with Martha Stewart, Snoop was the unexpected star that we just had no idea we needed. 


He was hilarious in these Olympics. I can totally see him bringing some much-needed fun to the Olympics coverage in the next one because he already did such a great job this year. 


Yeah (laughs). 


That was so fun to follow Snoop Dogg. And he always brings a smile to my face. So, can’t wait for the continued coverage, hopefully. 


Yes, fingers crossed for that. And yeah, the Paris 2024 Olympics was full of incredible moments, triumphs, comebacks, and also a few laughs. And the Olympic spirit was truly alive, reminding us all of the power of perseverance and the joy of coming together on the world stage. So, with Los Angeles 2028 on the horizon, we cannot wait to see what’s in store for us. 


I guess we have the Winter Olympics in the meantime, and we’ll definitely be covering that on the Optimist Daily when that happens in two years. 


Well, that was a great roundup of solutions or stories. We have some other great solutions from this week that you can find on our website, including… 


Preventing cognitive decline: steps to keep your brain active after retirement. Happiness beyond wealth: study shows nations with less money are often the most joyful. Puerto Rico bans hair discrimination, a victory for cultural heritage and anti-racism, and A guide for handling guilt-tripping: recognizing and coping with emotional manipulation. What else do we have this week? 


When mosquito bites are more than merely annoying: three signs, you need medical attention.  


Those darn mosquitoes! 


Yeah, I know! 

Is your home at risk for natural disasters? Here’s what to do if it is. First-ever titanium heart implanted into a human body. Wow. Crazy. And Do you have mushrooms on your lawn? Here’s why that’s a good thing.  


Nice. Sounds like we had a pretty diverse round-up this week. Well, if you want to start your day off right in the future, make sure to subscribe to our free daily newsletter to get our solutions straight to your inbox. 


We also have a lot more on our social channels. You can find us @OptimistDaily on all of our platforms including Threads and Pinterest. The only difference is on X. On there we are @OdeToOptimism. 


And we’re a small team of optimists working hard to bring you positive news. If you want to support our mission of putting optimism into the world, click on the link in the show notes to find out how. 


And support doesn’t always have to be financial. Even just recommending our podcast to a friend, leaving a positive review on Apple or Spotify, forwarding a link to a loved one, or sharing solutions on your socials if you’re still doing that would be a big help.  




Alright! Well, this was fun. I really enjoyed discussing the Olympics with you, Karissa. 


Yeah, me too. Alrighty. We’ll be back next week with more solutions, but until then, hope you enjoy your weekend and Arielle, you as well. 


Thank you very much. Same to you! And yeah, we’ll see you next week. Bye! 




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