Today’s Solutions: March 10, 2025

Hydrogen peroxide is a common household disinfectant comprised of two parts hydrogen and two parts oxygen. A lot of people use it to cleanse scrapes and cuts because the high oxygenation of the substance creates foam when poured onto the wound, loosening bacteria, and cleansing porous surfaces.

However, using soap and water is actually much better for these injuries, because hydrogen peroxide kills good and bad parts of your skin, which can prevent or delay healing. That said, hydrogen peroxide has many fantastic uses that you may not be aware of.

Hydrogen peroxide is a great sanitizer, but not for your hands! According to the Center for Disease and Control Prevention, hydrogen peroxide is a powerful disinfectant because it breaks down fungi and bacterial activity within five minutes.

Soak your toothbrush for three to five minutes in a glass of hydrogen peroxide after use and kill any trace of viruses, even Covid-19. You can also swish a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide as an antiseptic mouthwash to treat canker sores and keep your breath fresh. If you’ve gone to the dentist during the pandemic, they may have had you do this at the beginning of your appointment.

To disinfect your sponge, fill a shallow bowl with equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water to soak it for ten minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Make the same mixture into a spray to rid other items in your home from viruses. Just be sure to let them sit for 20 minutes after spraying to maximize the virus-killing effects.

Mold build-up has no chance against undiluted hydrogen peroxide. Spray and let sit for 30 minutes then wipe away. Grout can be treated in the same way with undiluted hydrogen peroxide. For the best results, use an old toothbrush and scrub away.

To free your houseplants from fungi and disease, spray your plants with a heavily diluted hydrogen peroxide solution (one teaspoon for every cup of water) and watch your plants thrive. You can even soak your seeds in hydrogen peroxide to increase germination when planting.

Soak your veggies for 10 minutes in one-fourth cup of hydrogen peroxide diluted by one gallon of water. Doing so will get rid of dirt, pesticides, and dangerous bacteria like E.coli. Hydrogen peroxide is a much safer alternative to bleach when it comes to cleaning organic products, but make sure to rinse your veggies well before consuming them.

Got buildup on your pots and pans? If you mix a paste out of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, you can get rid of that tough-to-scrub buildup. Cover them in the paste for 20 to 30 minutes then rinse. The residue will come off surprisingly easily.

Most of us have a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in our medicine cabinets, but who knew it was such a versatile resource. We hope these tips and tricks are helpful and perhaps even offered some inspiration as we head into the spring cleaning season.

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