Today’s Solutions: October 17, 2024


San Francisco debuted Sea Change, the world’s first commercial passenger ferry powered solely by hydrogen fuel cells. From July 19, this 75-seat sailboat provides free trips three days a week between Pier 41 between Fisherman’s Wharf and the Ferry Building.

While the trip is short, officials see the launch as an important step toward a zero-emission ferry fleet. “Communities near harbor seaports are disproportionately affected by diesel pollution from vessels,” said Liane Randolph, chair of the California Air Resources Board (CARB), during a news conference. “So finding a future that moves away from that diesel and brings zero-emission vessels is why we’re all here, and this fuel cell ferry really provides that opportunity.”

A milestone in clean energy

Sea Change’s hydrogen fuel cells release only heat and water vapor, significantly lowering pollution compared to the diesel-powered ferries now in service. John Motlow, chief strategy officer at Zero Emission Industries, the business that developed the fuel cells, emphasized the environmental benefits. “The emissions from the hydrogen production process are still less than those produced by a diesel-burning ferry,” he stated.

The $3 million CARB grant-funded project is consistent with California’s ambitious emission reduction targets. “The governor directed CARB and our sister agencies to bring that zero-emission future to life by 2035, where feasible, and the Sea Change is helping us chart that course,” Randolph said.

Renewable hydrogen, the future of maritime fuel

Although natural gas provides some of the electricity required to manufacture hydrogen fuel, renewable sources such as solar and wind power are increasingly contributing to the process. Motlow is optimistic about the future: “The data paints a pretty clear picture that ultimately green, renewable hydrogen will be cheaper to produce than hydrogen from natural gas. The cost of solar is so cheap right now and is only getting cheaper.”

Expanding the green fleet

San Francisco Bay Ferry’s executive director, Seamus Murphy, announced plans to add five battery-powered ferries to the fleet within two years. While they will service shorter trips, long-distance routes will most likely rely on hydrogen-powered ferries due to present battery technology limits. “The batteries are a little too heavy, not energy-dense enough to be able to operate over those distances,” Murphy explained. “But hydrogen doesn’t have that problem.”

Charting a course for sustainable transportation

As Sea Change sets sail, it represents more than just a new ferry—it symbolizes a commitment to sustainable transportation and cleaner air for San Francisco. “It’s surprising how fast things evolve, how quickly people innovate,” Murphy exclaimed. “And I think that’s what we’re going to see happen with hydrogen as well.”

With continued developments and increased support for renewable energy, the future of zero-emission maritime transit appears bright, setting a standard for cities around the world to follow.

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