* Sow flower seeds in vacant lots, median strips, and anywhere that could use a little more life. Plant flowers in your front yard or a window box.
*Throw a party and invite everyone on the block or in your building. Spend a little time discussing what you’d like to see improved in the neighbourhood.
* Adopt a public space near your home—pick up the litter, take care of it and let the proper authorities know when something needs their attention.
* Always buy lemonade from kids at a sidewalk stand.
* Patronize locally-owned businesses.
* Adopt the German custom of a Stamcafé—a local place that is your regular hang-out.
* Put a bench in front of your home or business so people can stop to talk.
* When no one’s looking, try out the local playground.
* Drive slow enough to see the passing landscape.
* Stop your car or bike to let pedestrians pass, even if you have the right-of-way.
* Lobby local officials to install traffic calming and other measures to tame autos in your community.
* Do your web surfing or e-mail correspondence in cafés.
* Take the bus or train somewhere you would usually drive, and pay attention to what you usually miss.
* Bike somewhere you would usually take the bus or train, and pay attention to what you usually miss.
* Walk somewhere you would usually bike, and pay attention to what you usually miss.
* Hang out on your street at a time you would usually walk, and pay attention to what you usually miss.