Today’s Solutions: March 19, 2025

The Optimist Daily is a daily publication curated from a repository of solutions-focused, good news from around the world to start your day off right.

You can also read or listen to The Optimist Daily any time, day or night, on our website. We have a searchable library containing thousands of good news and solutions-focused articles, and also a library of our podcast, The Optimist Daily Weekly Roundup. These two libraries are continuously being expanded.

Our vision is to shift human consciousness by catalyzing 100,000,000 people to start each day with a positive, solution-oriented mindset.

Our purpose is to create an optimistic, mobilized, and solutions-focused global society committed to making the world a healthier place for both people and the planet.

Our mission is to provide a daily dose of optimism in the form of solutions-focused, good news that you can enjoy and share with those you care for. The ultimate goal is to elevate, motivate, and reignite each individual’s innate reservoir of intelligent optimism as a way of catalyzing the evolution of human consciousness.

If you want to send our Editorial Team a suggestion please send it to, Anything else? Contact us at

As a non-profit project brought to you by World Business Academy, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we offer The Optimist Daily free for all who seek it, supported by those of us who can. We are grateful to all who want to contribute to our mission of putting solutions of view and optimism into movement, whether by making a financial donation, becoming a sustaining supporter, or sharing our stories with friends, family, and co-workers. We’d like to live in a world where people remember that we are all more alike than we are different, that generosity benefits the giver more deeply than the receiver, and that we all do better when our neighbors, and the natural world, are also doing well.  

If you’d like to contribute any amount, visit our Donation Page HERE.

If you prefer to donate with a check, you can make checks to The Optimist Daily Project and mail them to our home office. Please include your email address so we can reply with a proper thank you!

All donations are very much appreciated and make it possible for us to bring you positive news every day!

The Optimist Daily 

1101 Anacapa St. Ste 200, 

Santa Barbara, CA 93103