Today’s Solutions: September 21, 2024

“We’re looking to

"We're looking to be the Weather Underground of trees."

Trees can live thousands of years and are constantly adjusting to the environment around them. These monumental changes can take place over hundreds of human lifetimes, so they are difficult to perceive with the naked eye. However, with the help of sensors called precision dendrometers, researchers Read More...

The Amazon fires are disastrou

The Amazon fires are disastrous, but not to our oxygen supply. Here’s why.

If you have been following the news about the fires in the Amazon, chances are you have heard the statistic that 20 percent of our oxygen comes from the Amazon Rainforest. Added to this observation, often in the conventional news media, is a panic-inducing statement that the lungs of the planet are Read More...

Meet the majestic “General S

Meet the majestic “General Sherman,” resident of Sequoia National Park

General Sherman, a 2000-year-old giant sequoia, is not the largest tree in terms of height, but it does take the cake in total wood volume at an astonishing 52,500 cubic feet. The tree resides within the boundaries of Sequoia National Park and is a popular tourist destination for those who wish to Read More...

Check out this handy guide on

Check out this handy guide on plastic recycling. Thanks NPR!

The recycle step of “reduce, reuse, recycle” is not always as easy as it seems. With categories and policies varying based on city and disposal company, it is not always easy to know what can be recycled where. Luckily, NPR has created an easy to use guide to help the average consumer navigate Read More...

Want to cut down on annoying r

Want to cut down on annoying robocall attacks? Optimize your cell!

Are you tired of spam calls clogging up your call list? Well, we have some good news for you! Thanks to a ruling by the Federal Communications Commission, and pressure from their customers, phone carriers have begun to make opt-out spam blocking the default, rather than opt-in. What this means is Read More...

Will the growth of car sharing

Will the growth of car sharing change how cities are built? Absolutely!

Car share services, such as car2go and ZipCar, have gained popularity in recent years as a cost-effective and easy transportation methods for less “car-centric” individuals, including students and residents of urban areas. Apps like car2go work like an instant rental car service, zoom in on the Read More...

The ‘slow professor̵

The 'slow professor' could bring back creativity to our universities

Creative, social and family life should not be banished from the knowledge economy. Julien Lefort-Favreau, Queen's University, Ontario Last summer, a friend gave me a copy of The Slow Professor: Challenging the Culture of Speed in the Academy by Maggie Berg and Barbara K. Seeber, professors of Read More...

CITES convention is gearing up

CITES convention is gearing up to protect dozens of species of sharks and rays

This week, representatives from 180 countries meet for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). A landmark achievement of this most recent convention is the potential protection of a dozen species of sharks and rays, including the world’s fastest shark, the mako Read More...

Desperately seeking security?

Desperately seeking security? How learning about attachment styles can improve your relationships

Sensations of comfort and calmness from a close relationship are developed from a young age. Children are taught they should derive love and security from their relationships. Children who experience close and rewarding personal relationships with family and friends are taught to seek our Read More...

How new treatments for PTSD us

How new treatments for PTSD using float therapies is helping veterans

In float therapy, you lay on water, filled with Epsom salts, in a bath free of stimulation from light, noise, touch, smell, or taste. Float therapy has become popular for PTSD treatment, and True REST Float Spa has given away 3,000 free sessions to military members and veterans since 2015. On every Read More...