Today’s Solutions: September 20, 2024

FUTURE OF FOOD: A life beyond

FUTURE OF FOOD: A life beyond meat is possible, and more likely than ever

Is it time to put the conventional meat industry to pasture? BY LAUREN GOODMAN When I was 10 years old, I made a bold decision, a decision that may have been before its time. I stopped eating meat and proudly labeled myself as Vegetarian. I was young, not even a teenager yet. My parents and Read More...

Welcome To The Optimist Daily

Welcome To The Optimist Daily - A Letter From The Editor 🎈

By Kristy Jansen Welcome!  I am thrilled that you have joined me and the many readers and supporters of the Optimist Daily in starting our days with a solutions-oriented mindset.  I am the Chief Content Officer around here, and I’d like to share with you why I do what I do and why Optimism Read More...

This open-source home design m

This open-source home design might revolutionize the way we build

Keeping the fifth largest city in America running in a hot and arid desert climate is a difficult task, but the city of Phoenix, Arizona has pledged to do so and go carbon neutral and zero-waste. To achieve this, the city held a sustainable home design competition to come up with a single-family Read More...

Video game giants Xbox and Pla

Video game giants Xbox and PlayStation are going green

In the world of video gaming, companies like Sony and Microsoft have the ability to engage and captivate millions of people around the world with their consoles. Now, the two companies may inspire their players to be more climate-conscious as they have recently pledged to make their future video Read More...

130 banks have committed to jo

130 banks have committed to join international efforts in fighting climate change

In a pivotal move that’s bound to shift global climate action into higher gear, banks with more than $47 trillion in assets – or a third of the global industry – adopted new UN-backed “responsible banking” principles to fight global warming and other environmental issues. Deutsche Read More...

Honda will power 60 percent of

Honda will power 60 percent of its US energy needs from renewables

As we have recently seen the likes of IKEA and Google pouring a significant amount of money into renewables to decarbonize their businesses, car manufacturer Honda has recently made the largest single purchase of solar and wind power by any automaker. Seeking to slash carbon dioxide emissions Read More...

Salesforce unveils its emissio

Salesforce unveils its emission tracking tool ‘Sustainability Cloud’

Salesforce has recently unveiled a new tool which will help companies track how much pollution they are putting into the atmosphere. With the new tool, called Sustainability Cloud,  companies will be able to track their pollution by measuring things like the firm’s energy usage and Read More...

Setting half the earth aside f

Setting half the earth aside for nature? More than half say YES!

Protected natural spaces serve as animal sanctuaries, places of research, and great family vacation destinations. These spaces offer the unique experience of viewing nature in its undisturbed state, but how much of our planet should we set aside as protected natural spaces? Biologist E.O. Wilson Read More...

For patches of sunflower plant

For patches of sunflower plants, sharing is caring

A few weeks ago we introduced our readers to Monica Gagliano, the scientist who studies plant communication. This week, we delve deeper into the elusive lives of plants and bring you a story about resource sharing in sunflowers. Researchers at the University of Alberta have found that when Read More...

Regenerative agriculture resto

Regenerative agriculture restores farm and ecosystem health in South Africa

For farmers in South Africa, climate change is a primary concern, and regenerative agriculture may be the solution. Researchers have been studying South African farms to learn about how these sustainable practices could be applied to other areas of Africa and beyond.  On these farms, crop and Read More...