Today’s Solutions: September 20, 2024

Celebrating Crisis:  Towards a

Celebrating Crisis: Towards a Culture of Cooperation

"Life, in its autopoietic, self-creating and self-maintaining evolution dances between chaos and perfect order without ever losing itself in chaos or getting stuck in rigid order." By Elisabet Sahtouris Précis Humanity, like all other species of Earth before and with us, is evolving—and Read More...

These sustainable tiles are ma

These sustainable tiles are made from old toilets, and they’re beautiful

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Or, in this case, one man’s toilet is another man’s bathroom tile. Kohler, a prominent manufacturer of plumbing products, is launching into the business of recycled goods by producing bathroom tiles made of discarded clay from the toilet making Read More...

The fix is in: how repairing o

The fix is in: how repairing old stuff helps in the war against planned obsolescence

It can be frustrating to repair something when it costs the same amount to replace it. But that’s how planned obsolescence works.  Companies create poor quality products, so you are forced to pay to replace it. This trend has taken over the modern consumer’s life.   From clothing to Read More...

Nix the plastic! Here are 20 g

Nix the plastic! Here are 20 great foods easy to make from scratch

Reducing your consumption of single-use plastics can be difficult at grocery stores, where it seems like everything comes in disposable packaging. Saving glass jars for repurposing, and buying items packaged in recyclable material is a good place to start, but cooking common kitchen ingredients Read More...

See the glorious way a desert

See the glorious way a desert grows when it rains

It has been nearly seven years since the residents of Sindh’s Thar desert, located in Pakistan, saw a decent amount of rainfall, but this year has been different. This year’s rains have transformed the harsh landscape and its inhabitants. Farmers are tilling their land, planting seeds, and Read More...

Americans waking up to the ser

Americans waking up to the seriousness of climate crisis, a new poll shows

In a new poll conducted by CBS News, two-thirds of Americans agree that climate change is either a crisis or a serious problem. More than half of those surveyed also said they wanted immediate action to deal with the effects of this climate change.   This is big news, because although the rest Read More...

Indulge in 40 beauty brands th

Indulge in 40 beauty brands that pamper you - and the planet

Navigating environmentally friendly beauty products can be a challenge. Are glass containers better than plastic if they are heavier and more energy-intensive to transport? Is organic and GMO-free worth it if the ingredients can only be grown thousands of miles away? Picking beauty products depends Read More...

All about spiders and their si

All about spiders and their silk, one of the most versatile substances on earth

In the latest issue of National Geographic, environmental writer Jason Bittel spins a wonderful article exploring spiderwebs, spiders, and all things arachnid.   The intricate webs they build are items of wonder and beauty, but by using this wonderful silky, sticky, sometimes stinky substance, Read More...

A simple practice that can hel

A simple practice that can help make Monday so much more satisfying

Going back to work after a weekend off, or even after downtime in the evening, can be a challenge.  A healthy life-work balance demands that we do take time to mentally detach from our jobs when we go home in the evening and over the weekend.  The problem is, if we fully detach, it can be Read More...

Connecting over light waves? H

Connecting over light waves? How LiFi will change communications

In today’s connected world, wireless data has become a critical utility: an invisible element of our modern infrastructure that increasingly underpins many of the services upon which we rely. But there’s a problem. The radio spectrum upon which much of our connectivity depends is getting Read More...