Today’s Solutions: September 21, 2024

How soil restoration will play

How soil restoration will play a critical role in the future of global food systems

What’s the secret to feeding a global population that will reach 10 billion by 2050? Earth and Space Sciences professor David R. Montgomery says soil restoration is the answer. Unfortunately, one-third of the world’s population already suffers from the effects of degraded soil caused by Read More...

How seaweed forests can be a m

How seaweed forests can be a massive tool against climate collapse

The Optimist Daily has long been a proponent of seaweed as a food source to help feed the world’s growing population, and because of its tremendous health benefits.  It also has the potential to serve as a powerful tool to fight against climate collapse. A recent study documents for the first Read More...

Spiny sea friends help treat H

Spiny sea friends help treat Hawaii’s smothered coral reefs

For tourists, sea urchins may be an unwanted addition to a Hawaiian vacation, but these spiky little creatures are a welcomed habitat dweller for the islands’ coral reefs. The sea urchins, which are native to Hawaii’s waters, eat invasive smothering algae which threaten the health of the reef Read More...

Some compasses will soon point

Some compasses will soon point to true north - for the first time in 360 years

We all know the four directions on a compass: North, South, East, and West. However, when delving deeper into Earth’s rotation, we find there are actually two versions of North: magnetic North and true North. True north is a familiar friend we see on maps and longitude lines, but magnetic North, Read More...

Sage and respected: Positive w

Sage and respected: Positive words linked to positive outcomes as we grow older

Aging is often associated with unpleasant side effects: achy joints, forgetfulness, limited mobility.  But one technique that has proven to make a difference and improve the lived experience of growing older is “positivity”. Psychologist Becca Levy studies the correlation between attitudes Read More...

How AI can help save our favor

How AI can help save our favorite fruit

Although we consume about 100 billion bananas each year, the future of the world’s most popular fruit is threatened by a number of diseases that are silently destroying crops around the world. For that reason, researchers have been working on a tool that allows farmers to detect diseases early Read More...

Shift your mindset and turn fa

Shift your mindset and turn failures into wins by cultivating a “Learning Mind”

It is easy to dwell on the negative experiences in our lives. Maybe you failed a test, ended a relationship, or forgot an important deadline. Whatever the situation may be, it is only truly a failure if we fail to learn from the experience.  Carrying the wisdom gained from something that bombed Read More...

This Chinese utility’s f

This Chinese utility's finances show how much cheaper solar is than coal

Electricity giant China Power’s figures for the first half of 2019 have demonstrated the economic take-off of solar power in the country. The Hong Kong based company reported higher earnings from coal-generated electricity than solar, however, when profits from photovoltaic (PV) systems were Read More...

If you really listen, can you

If you really listen, can you hear the plants speak? This researcher says yes.

Monica Gagliano’s research is controversial even within the scientific community. The northern Italian native studies plants, more specifically, their sentient ability to communicate and even speak in their fashion.  At the University of Sydney, Gagliano researches whether plants can learn Read More...

“We’re looking to

"We're looking to be the Weather Underground of trees."

Trees can live thousands of years and are constantly adjusting to the environment around them. These monumental changes can take place over hundreds of human lifetimes, so they are difficult to perceive with the naked eye. However, with the help of sensors called precision dendrometers, researchers Read More...