Looking for positive and inspiring business stories? From green operations to employee rights, from innovative corporate structures to diversity and inclusion, the Business section at The Optimist Daily has got the latest innovative solutions from the corporate sector.
As consumer product companies are coming under increasing pressure to reduce the amount of plastic in packaging, giant retailers are slowly starting to rethink the design of their products to the benefit of the environment. Among the latest protagonists of such efforts to tackle plastic waste is Read More...
Across the United States, men outearn women in comparable jobs by 15%, Meanwhile, white employees outearn their Black peers by 11%, even after accounting for such differences as education, experience, occupation, industry, region, hours worked, and union coverage says Jim Bessen, executive Read More...
Preemptive reopening, poor tracing capabilities, a refusal to wear masks...the list of factors contributing to the new COVID-19 spike in the US is very long, but one thing that didn’t seem to contribute to rising case numbers were the Black Lives Matter protests. Why not? Let’s take a Read More...
Ever pick something up off the grocery store shelf and balk at the nutrition label before putting it back and opting for something healthier? This is what Unilever hopes to achieve with its new carbon labels, information on each product they sell about the carbon impact of that good. To create Read More...
Sometimes all it takes to correct injustice is to recognize the problem and have the willpower to make a change. At least that’s what the Forestry and Fire Recruitment Program (FFRP) did in California, where prisoners are encouraged to volunteer to fight wildfires but struggle to get jobs as Read More...
It may sound odd to you, but there’s a huge digital divide in America. In fact, over 40 million Americans live without access to reliable internet. As COVID-19 forces more individuals to work remotely and families to navigate distance learning for their children, the need for access to broadband Read More...
By now, if you live in the US, you’ve probably received multiple census forms in the mail and seen it advertised on local buses. If you’ve put off filling out your census response, don’t panic, you have until October to respond and here’s why you definitely should do so. You might be Read More...
Voting is one of the strongest tools citizens have in voicing their opinion in political leadership and legislation, but in the US where about 1 in 40 adults cannot vote due to a felony conviction, the democratic system is lacking the voice of a significant portion of the population. To Read More...
When a plastic bottle ends up in a recycling plant, the label attached to it usually isn’t recycled. This is because the labels are made from a different type of plastic than the PET used in bottles. And while they’re technically recyclable, most recycling facilities don’t have the adequate Read More...
The cancellation of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Dakota Access Pipeline, and Keystone XL Pipeline not only represents a major victory for the environment, but also for grassroots groups which spearheaded the opposition movement. Shutting down these pipelines demonstrates the effectiveness of Read More...