Looking for positive and inspiring business stories? From green operations to employee rights, from innovative corporate structures to diversity and inclusion, the Business section at The Optimist Daily has got the latest innovative solutions from the corporate sector.
A startup in California is trying to use our obsession with the technology in our pockets to treat depression. When a patient installs the startup's app, it monitors things like the way the person types, taps, scrolls while using other apps. These seemingly mundane interactions with your phone can Read More...
Richard Branson and his space tourism venture Virgin Galactic have rejected the $1 billion investment it was set to receive from Saudi Arabia as a way of showing solidarity for The Washington Post reporter Jamal Khashoggi. The reporter, who was an outspoken Saudi critic and opinion writer, hasn’t Read More...
Over the last three years, Zūm has safely driven more than 500,000 children over 3 million miles—no parents required. The Uber-like service ushers kids ages 5 and up to and from school or to after-school activities, making it easier for busy parents to juggle Read More...
In 1903, an American entrepreneur, Charles Boettcher, founded the Great Western Sugar Company in Colorado and opened two beet sugar refineries outside of Denver. Over the course of the 20th century, the company expanded, adding more facilities in Wyoming, Montana, and Nebraska, and encompassing Read More...
An Israeli-run factory in the West Bank asks its Jewish employees on military reserve duty not to drop by in uniform so the Palestinian workers won’t feel occupied, according to one Israeli manager. In the Barkan Industrial Park, one of several Israeli-run commercial zones near Jewish settlements Read More...
A new study conducted in Britain suggest that employees in the UK could enjoy shorter work weeks thanks to automated machines and their ability to make work more efficient. Currently, workers in the UK are laboring longer hours on average than in most other European countries. New technologies Read More...
Uber was supposed to take over the world. Investors dueled to stake billions in the company on the assumption it would become the global market leader—the Google- or Facebook-style winner-take-all of the ride-hailing Read More...
In 2009, Ken Jacobus quit his Silicon Valley job to set up Good Start Packaging, a supplier of compostable takeaway containers for restaurants. He had little knowledge of the industry, about $10,000 worth of inventory, and no Read More...
General Motors' largest gasoline-burning vehicles — pickups and full-size SUVs — will soon be built, ironically, at plants powered by wind, not fuel. GM wants to power all its global facilities with 100-percent renewable energy by Read More...
The internet was envisaged as a decentralized global network, but in the past 25 years, it has come to be controlled by a few, very powerful, centralized Read More...