Looking for positive and inspiring business stories? From green operations to employee rights, from innovative corporate structures to diversity and inclusion, the Business section at The Optimist Daily has got the latest innovative solutions from the corporate sector.
While attempting to become the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe 11 years ago, British sailing champion Ellen MacArthur had plenty of time to think. Sure, she probably considered how success might lead to being knighted by Queen Elizabeth II – and how she’d have to reprint her Read More...
While votes are still being counted, it looks like San Francisco has voted down Proposition F, which would place new limits on short-term rentals like Airbnb. The vote was closely watched as it may have inspired other places around the world to protect the hotel industry had the people of San Read More...
If you're looking for happiness as an entrepreneur, then you're probably barking up the wrong tree. JetBlue Airlines has a new, fun short film, HumanKinda, exploring how little enjoyment we get out of our overscheduled lives. The elusive feeling of happiness, though, seems inversely proportional to Read More...
A group of 11 international business organisations have today called on G20 and EU finance ministers to "step up their efforts" to deliver a strong agreement at the UN climate negotiations in Paris later this month. In a letter organised by the Prince of Wales' Corporate Leaders Group (CLG), Read More...
As consumers, our view of ‘technology’ is often limited to smartphones, tablets and other gadgets that make our daily lives better. It’s unlikely that you tend to consider the innovation and technology capable of changing people’s lives for the better in Read More...
It's a sad fact of life, but one we've grown accustomed to, that the workplace is often draining, demanding and disruptive. At its worst, it becomes a culture that breeds toxicity, but even at its best, stress is the norm. In our constant state of rushing from one assignment (or crisis) to another, Read More...
How much is a good reputation worth? Volkswagen recently demonstrated the cost of a bad one: in the two days after its emissions scandal broke, its share price plummeted, wiping out almost almost $28bn in market value. On Wednesday, the broader cost of that scandal became clear when the carmaker Read More...
Being clever or connected just doesn't cut it anymore. Lawyers need to be entrepreneurially sharp – not only because they are operating businesses in their own right (businesses that are basking in the shadow of an oncoming tsunami of new technologies), but because they need to understand Read More...
Next time you're looking for a job, it might be worth checking the gender of the chief executive's children.Research has found that having a daughter significantly impacts how CEOs run their companies. In particular, CEOs with daughters are more likely to offer childcare, let employees work Read More...
Trucking isn't the first thing that comes to mind when considering industries ripe for disruption. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Salesforce.com's Marc Benioff and EBay founder Pierre Omidyar might disagree. They, along with other investors, are backing Convoy, a Seattle-based startup that's betting Read More...