Today’s Solutions: December 28, 2024


Looking for positive and inspiring business stories? From green operations to employee rights, from innovative corporate structures to diversity and inclusion, the Business section at The Optimist Daily has got the latest innovative solutions from the corporate sector.

Plants in the office increase

Plants in the office increase productivity

You want to increase the productivity in your organization? Put some plants in the office. Norwegian scientists discovered that plants in the office increase concentration. Another study from the University of Technology in Sydney shows that office plants reduce anger by 44 percent, anxiety by 37 Read More...

Patagonia gives design of sust

Patagonia gives design of sustainable wetsuit away

Wetsuits are horrible for the environment. They’re made of neoprene, a petroleum derivative, and the manufacturing of neoprene is extremely toxic for the environment. California clothing company Patagonia has partnered with Yulex, a company who makes plant-based biorubbers, to create a wetsuit Read More...

General Mills announces plans

General Mills announces plans to minimize greenhouse gas emissions from operations and supply chain

A few months ago Oxfam released a report detailing greenhouse gas emissions in the food production sector—pointing out General Mills, one of the largest food producers in America, as one of the worst offenders. General Mills has now announced plans to greatly reduce greenhouse emissions from both Read More...

Inglorious Fruits and Vegetabl

Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables a big hit in France

Apples with lumps, carrots with two legs, and oranges that aren’t perfectly round usually get thrown away before they even reach the grocery store. Many people get upset over all the ‘failed’ fruits and vegetables that go to waste; why would you toss out ugly produce when it tastes just as Read More...

UK’ s Sainsbury powers store

UK’ s Sainsbury powers store with food–waste

Living off the national power grid is difficult for individuals, and nearly impossible for commercial stores—but that’s exactly what Sainsbury’s in the UK is looking to do. Sainsbury’s is working with local recycling company Biffa to run their Cannock store completely of anaerobic Read More...

Value of new digital currency

Value of new digital currency is determined by reputation

Internet currencies as Bitcoin turn money into something completely virtual. Values are determined by rules of mathematics and programmers and freed from banks and government. But entrepreneur J. Chris Anderson wants to reform money even further. His Document Coin is less about replacing dollars Read More...

Grocery store in U.K. is first

Grocery store in U.K. is first to publish Seafood Sustainability Reports

Transparency is a magic word when it comes to progress and positive change. The British grocery chain Asda is the first major supermarket to publish a Seafood Sustainability Report. The report, called the Wild Fisheries Annual Review, looks at all fisheries the grocery store has done business with Read More...

Circular economy is going main

Circular economy is going mainstream

In the predominant current business model companies make products and create a lot of waste in the process. In the proposed business model of the circular economy such waste is being used again as fuel for a new production process. A new report from JWT Intelligence shows that the circular economy Read More...

B Corporations are good for th

B Corporations are good for the environment and society

B Corps are companies who meet or exceed a stringent set of standards in terms of social responsibility, environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. There are 1000s of different B Corps out there providing goods and services ranging from litigate consultations to cell phone Read More...

New map of palm oil plantation

New map of palm oil plantations helps save rainforests

Almost everyone consumes palm oil on a daily basis. It is an ingredient in about half the products you find at the store. Demand for palm oil is immense and rapidly increasing. In many places tropical rainforests are burnt to create illegal palm oil plantations. A new website from the Roundtable Read More...