Looking for positive and inspiring business stories? From green operations to employee rights, from innovative corporate structures to diversity and inclusion, the Business section at The Optimist Daily has got the latest innovative solutions from the corporate sector.
Last year, Juneteenth was proclaimed a federal holiday, meaning this year is set to be the first time many organizations and businesses will celebrate and observe this meaningful and historic day. On top of giving employees the day off to rest, it’s worth considering celebrating Juneteenth Read More...
While shared electric scooters have boomed over the last few years, there remain many concerns about their safety. Scooter-related injuries have become so common that some law firms offer legal action against scooter manufacturers on their websites. Some cities like Miami and New York have kicked Read More...
Cindy McCarley like so many others has endured and survived domestic abuse. As a wife and mother of four, she felt powerless to leave her abusive partner, fearing that she wouldn’t be able to provide for her children on her own. This concern for her children and ensuring that they Read More...
In 2019, Ithaca, New York was the first US city to resolve to eliminate or offset all carbon emissions by 2030. The college town allocated $100 million to fund the effort, but they still needed a plan of how to decarbonize all its buildings. Two architectural professors from Cornell University Read More...
The European Union’s goal is to slash 55 percent of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and reduce carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles by 100 percent by 2035. As part of this ambition, the European Parliament has voted to ban the sale of new gas-powered cars starting in 2035. This vote Read More...
Plastic pollution is so prevalent that harmful plastic particles can even be found in drinking water. Robust action on a national scale is needed to stop the flood of plastics into natural environments. Wednesday, on World Oceans Day, the White House announced its plans to phase out single-use Read More...
While wind turbines only cost 11 grams of carbon per kilowatt-hour (compared to the combustion of natural gas at 450 grams), there is always room for improvement. Opponents of wind energy have criticized the carbon footprint of the steel required to build wind towers and turbines. Unknowingly, they Read More...
There is an elaborate tradition and art that goes into making certain scotches. The recipes of some highland single malts have been passed down through families for generations, and connoisseurs can pay a lot for these unique, peaty spirits. Not surprisingly, counterfeiters are looking to cash Read More...
A high-rise office building in Melbourne, Australia, boasts a solar facade made up of 1,182 solar panels which, together with additional rooftop solar, sustain the building with renewable power. Helping others by helping itself “The building is designed to be self-sustainable,” says Pete Read More...
Some aid trucks that provide food and emergency services in Ukraine have trouble reaching those in need because urban structural damage blocks the way. Ongoing violence also makes it difficult. To address this, the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) is working with the tech firm Uber to get Read More...