Today’s Solutions: January 25, 2025


Understanding the value of a circular economy and identifying circular solutions are essential to changing our world for good. Circularity, or the zero-waste principle of keeping materials in a closed loop and away from landfills and incinerators, is the future. Find out about the latest innovations and solutions accelerating the transition towards a circular economy in the articles here from The Optimist Daily.

Ocean carbon capture

This system takes CO2 from the air by taking it from the sea

The world over, researchers and scientists are looking for effective and economical ways to pull CO2 out of the air to mitigate the effects of climate change. There are many promising solutions out there, but the amount of CO2 that needs to be withdrawn is substantial and the process of pulling it Read More...

Slices of hard cheese on a wooden cutting board

Animal-free hard cheese that’s tastier than the real thing? Yes, please!

It takes 630 liters of water and about 9 square meters of land to produce one liter of milk. Since milk is the main component of cheese-making, that environmental footprint is automatically transferred to one of humanity’s favorite foods. While some vegan alternatives to softer cheeses, such as Read More...

Bees pollinating

Colorado drafts bill to save its bees

Did you know that bees and other insects like them pollinate nearly three-quarters of the plants that produce 90 percent of the world’s food? Bees are a small insect that play a big role in their environments. They work to improve plant life, biodiversity, and even our own food supply.  A Read More...

Maglev Train Shanghai

8 Amazing public transportation innovations

In the modern age, public transportation is an important solution for reducing emissions. Travel is increasing, with many commuting for work and others heading on vacation. At the same time, eco-friendly travel is a major consideration for the modern mover. Cities and countries around the globe are Read More...

Solar panels water crops

Even in deserts, this system can generate water and electricity

The extreme heat of the world’s deserts makes maintaining a water supply and a steady supply of electricity difficult. At The Optimist Daily, we’ve written about optimizing solar panels with agricultural systems before. However, this experimental hybrid system from King Abdullah University of Read More...

Mass timber structure against blue sky in the background

Amsterdam plans to build its first wooden neighborhood in centuries

When it comes to sustainable urban development, Amsterdam stands out as a metropolis ready to integrate a variety of strategies to make the city more livable and eco-friendly: from underwater bike garages to energy-sharing, floating villages. Now, the city is planning to build an entire Read More...

Canals of Amsterdam

Automated and eco-friendly! “Green” water taxi launches in Amsterdam

In 2020, The Optimist Daily wrote about a fully automated water cab in development by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions. In October 2021, prototype models of the Roboat were launched and are now navigating Amsterdam’s Read More...

Fresh Food In Garbage Can To Illustrate Waste.

How to cut down on your food waste

Cutting down on food waste helps the environment in a number of important ways. Most obviously, it saves the resources and energy that go into producing unneeded food at every step of the supply chain, from farming to packaging and shipping. Food that winds up rotting in landfills also produces Read More...

Mirema community members replant tree

This Kenyan community regrew its forest

At The Optimist Daily, we love stories fighting deforestation or spurring reforestation. Forests are our friends. They host myriad wildlife, foster ecological diversity, consume carbon dioxide, and breathe out oxygen. They also do a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to reducing floods.  In Read More...

Germany solar energy

Germany plans to be 100 percent renewable by 2035

Sustainable energy sources such as wind and solar are important for countries as well as the planet. They improve efficiency, can reduce weather-related blackouts, and they also help a country’s independence by allowing it to rely on itself for energy.  Germany announced Monday that its goal Read More...