Today’s Solutions: January 23, 2025


Understanding the value of a circular economy and identifying circular solutions are essential to changing our world for good. Circularity, or the zero-waste principle of keeping materials in a closed loop and away from landfills and incinerators, is the future. Find out about the latest innovations and solutions accelerating the transition towards a circular economy in the articles here from The Optimist Daily.

Orca is the world’s bigg

Orca is the world's biggest plant built to transform CO2 into rock

To meet the ever-looming and increasingly destructive challenge of climate change, we must curb our carbon emissions drastically. Now, 'Orca' is helping us reverse some of the emissions we've already created. It's the world’s largest plant designed to suck carbon dioxide out of the air and turn Read More...

Medellín aspires to become La

Medellín aspires to become Latin America's first "eco-city"

Medellín, Colombia has proven to the world that it is a city capable of transformation. Only three decades ago, it was considered one of the most dangerous cities in the world. However, by investing in their low-income communities, transportation infrastructure, education, technology, tourism, and Read More...

A solution to greener homes co

A solution to greener homes could be right underneath our feet

Swiss researchers from the Wood Materials Science Laboratory at the ETH Zürich and the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology in Dübendorf are working on an exciting new way to generate energy that requires us to simply move around our own homes and buildings. The Read More...

This online game places the wo

This online game places the world's future in your hands

The continued presence of human beings on this planet is uncertain thanks to generations of unsustainable and exploitative use of natural resources. We can read about what the future may hold for us if we fail to mitigate our impact on our environment, but it may be difficult to understand the Read More...

SWG3 venue full of tables,

Nightclub in Glasgow will harness energy from dancers

The annual COP26 climate conference took place in Glasgow in 2021 from October 31st, where a number of creative environmental initiatives are discussed as the spotlight shines on the city. One of the initiatives unveiled involved the legendary Glasgow club SWG3, which trialled an innovative scheme Read More...

This sustainable wood alternat

This sustainable wood alternative is made from kombucha waste

As demand for wood keeps growing, scientists are scrambling to find alternative sources for the material to cut the industry’s environmental footprint. From lab-grown wood to wood 3D-printed with the help of logging waste, innovators are hard at work to find viable solutions. Design student Gabe Read More...

These recycled swimming pools

These recycled swimming pools are made from old shipping containers

Earlier this summer, we shared a story about the “Airbnb of pools,” but what if that rented pool was also made out of a recycled shipping container? This is the vision of Modpools. Conceptualized by Paul Rathnam, Modpools turns old shipping containers into convenient, sustainable, and efficient Read More...

Four strategies to make solar

Four strategies to make solar panels even more sustainable

Solar energy is a renewable source with fairly high reliability and scalability, but even the best solutions have some drawbacks. In the case of solar, the panels themselves are emissions-intensive to produce and require mined silicon, glass, and aluminum. As we continue to improve the Read More...

The Optimist View: Building Ci

The Optimist View: Building Circularity into Electric Vehicles

To eliminate the concept of waste means to design things-products, packaging, and systems-from the very beginning on the understanding that waste does not exist.  - William McDonough BY Kristy Jansen and Sam Suh Earlier this year, I became the proud owner of an all-electric car一a used Read More...

This plastic sculpture puts th

This plastic sculpture puts the environmental impact of plastic waste into perspective

Since the early 1950s, the world has produced about 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic. About 60 percent of that plastic has ended up in either a landfill or the natural environment. Seeking to put that mind-boggling about of plastic waste into perspective, artist Iiina Klaus has teamed up with Read More...