Today’s Solutions: January 15, 2025


Great minds lead to great solutions. Our education section features solutions and innovations directed at strengthening educational systems around the world.

Exactly how to find (or create

Exactly how to find (or create) an internship that doesn’t suck

Most students think it’s crucial to find the “right” internship, otherwise, they’ll be saddled with the “wrong” experience on their resumes for applying to full-time jobs later on. It’s not that simple, and that’s a good Read More...

How to prepare your kids for j

How to prepare your kids for jobs that don’t exist yet

Artificial Intelligence will rule the jobs of the future, so learning how to work with it will be key. But the skills needed might not be what you Read More...

Children with over-controlling

Children with over-controlling parents struggle with their emotions later in life

Let them play. A new study shows that children whose parents are over-controlling when they are toddlers, are less able to control their emotions and impulses as they get older apparently leading to more problems with Read More...

How Aristotle is the perfect h

How Aristotle is the perfect happiness guru

Happiness is not a state as far as Aristotle is concerned, it’s an activity, says Professor Edith Hall, and you just have to decide to become Read More...

Could this web browser extensi

Could this web browser extension be an antidote to fake news?

A couple of fact-check organizations have teamed up to create a Google Chrome extension that aims to tackle “fake news” online. The Trusted News extension, which just became available this week, labels news sites with color-coded symbols to warn users about the trustworthiness of the Read More...

Study: Students would rather b

Study: Students would rather be employed by NASA and the UN than big companies

According to a survey of over 62,000 students in the US, the most attractive employers for university students are organizations that don’t care about profit at all. Surprisingly enough, US Students across a wide swath of academic disciplines ranked governmental organizations like NASA and the UN Read More...

Want to remember the notes you

Want to remember the notes you take? Here's why you need to write them by hand

It's the worst feeling. We get a call or an email suddenly reminding us that a project is due or an important meeting has passed by and we've totally forgotten it. I'm no stranger to the pitfalls of forgetfulness. It's easy for things to slip our minds, especially when we're working on a Read More...

China values teachers. Here’

China values teachers. Here’s why we must too

Teachers’ impact on their students’ lives cannot possibly be overstated. But while the teacher-student relationship is crucial to education, the world faces a shortage of teachers. Teachers’ status, pay, and well-being have all dropped, and a record number of them are leaving the classroom Read More...

Thousands of children in Malaw

Thousands of children in Malawi are learning how to grow food at school

The Malawi Schools Permaculture Clubs, a recipient of the 2018 Lush Spring Prize, provides basic gardening kits and lesson packs to teachers in order to teach valuable agricultural Read More...

Striking teachers are fighting

Striking teachers are fighting for the future of public schools

Even as they face threats–a looming lawsuit in Arizona; jail time in Colorado–public school teachers continue to strike. The two western states are just the latest to join a movement that began in West Virginia to call for higher pay and better benefits for public employees. The Read More...