Today’s Solutions: March 06, 2025


Great minds lead to great solutions. Our education section features solutions and innovations directed at strengthening educational systems around the world.

State of Flow

The formula of “flow”: how we get in the zone at work

We’ve all experienced the fulfilling experience of “flow.” This is the immersive and usually elating state of mind we reach when we are creatively moving from one sentence to another deep into a writing project, reacting thoughtlessly and rapidly in a basketball game, or even operating at Read More...


5 cities celebrating the earth by “plogging”

If case you haven’t heard, “plogging” combines physical exercise and cleaning up your town and environment. It started in Sweden — “plogging” being a portmanteau of the Swedish phrase “plocka upp,” meaning to “pick up,” and jogging — and the craze has caught on around the Read More...

Pollinating bees

Six ways to encourage pollinating bees in your garden

Bees are the most prolific pollinators on the planet and every gardener’s best friend. The majority of flowering plants in the world need the help of pollinating animals like bees to reproduce, and they pleasantly add a gentle buzz to the air.  So how do you make sure that your local bee Read More...

happy asian woman works from home on laptop

Beat procrastination and feel good at work with this mental habit

Procrastination is often seen as an aspect of poor time management, but research shows that as associate professor of psychology at Carleton University Tim Pychyl states: “Procrastination is not a time-management problem, it’s an emotion-management problem.” Even though bringing up Read More...

hawksbill sea turtle swimming in ocean

This app could put a stop to the illegal hawksbill sea turtle trade

“Beauty comes with a price”—a saying that rings painfully true for the critically endangered hawksbill sea turtle.  Among the other numerous problems sea turtles have to worry about (ocean plastic, a warming planet, and habitat encroachment to name a few), humanity’s attraction to the Read More...


APA, AAPI, APIDA or AANHPI? The history and significance of the “Asian American” identity crisis

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” ― Lao Tzu By Arielle Tiangco Weeks ago, seated cross-legged on my couch, I watched the small bobbing faces of my colleagues speaking within the confines of their equally-sized zoom rectangles. We were in our scheduled editorial Read More...

Exciting discovery may revolut

Exciting discovery may revolutionize prostate cancer treatment & prevention

BY THE OPTIMIST DAILY EDITORIAL TEAM Prostate cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in men worldwide, and sadly the disease takes thousands of lives every year. However, a team of researchers led by the University of East Anglia may have a potential solution.  The scientists Read More...

Volcanic Eruption

New Zealand system helps to predict volcanic eruptions

When it comes to science and dealing with disasters, sometimes it’s not about preventing the disaster but making sure that everyone is safe after. We don’t even need to make predictions about natural disasters with 100 percent certainty. Sometimes all you need is a little warning that something Read More...


Seaweed could supplement our protein and future biofuel

Sometimes, the answers to important questions were right under our noses the whole time… or, in this case, underwater.  A Swedish sea farm is growing seaweed in abundance to show how it can become a major food staple and a potential resource for biofuel and plastics.  Sea agriculture  At Read More...

man sits with feet on the table, showing off holes in his socks

4 eco-conscious ways to dispose of old clothing

Once you’ve exhausted a garment to the point that it can no longer be mended, it can be tempting to simply throw it into the regular trash. However, doing so will only send them to the landfill where they will generate greenhouse gases and leach harmful dyes and chemicals into the soil as they Read More...